aashna-china Courtesy: Gateway House
14 May 2018

Gwadar: trade hub or military asset?

China’s ostensible intentions are to turn Gwadar port into a focal point of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. But the geography of the region is a major stumbling block in the realisation of these ambitions and raises questions about the project’s underlying motives

asian age Courtesy:
13 May 2018

Trump hits Iran and India reels

Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy and Environment Studies, Gateway House, and Kunal Kulkarni, Senior Researcher, Gateway House, write an op-ed for The Asian Age on the possible implications of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent announcement to withdraw from the JCPOA, more colloquially Read more

The Presidency Chartered Bank of Bombay on 1 Rampart Row was founded in 1840 and was one of three presidency banks that were the precursors of the State Bank of India (1955) Courtesy: State Bank of India
3 May 2018

Indian banking’s chequered history

The history of modern Indian banking in the 19th century is full of examples of lopsided loan portfolios, favouring a few individuals and businesses, which is not very different from today’s world of financial fraud and manipulation of the system for personal gain. The past still holds many lessons

(in the pic - Chinese President Xi Jinping addressing FOCAC summit). President Jacob Zuma co-chairs the FOCAC Summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping - Sandton, Johannesburg. 04/12/2015, Elmond Jiyane, GCIS Courtesy: GovernmentZA/ Flickr
26 April 2018

The race to be Africa’s best partner

China’s judicious deployment of economic diplomacy—in sectors ranging from infrastructure and agriculture to skill development--has enabled it to develop relations with several African countries. India, Africa’s oldest partner, which is diversifying its own relationship, can replicate parts of China’s approach

The historic Bombay Mint Courtesy: Wikipedia Commons
19 April 2018

Rationale for the return of the global rupee

Over 50 years ago, the Indian rupee was a currency of overseas trade besides being the local currency for the Gulf nations and many regions of the Indian Ocean. It fell into a retreat for many reasons. With the Indian economy slated to strengthen 2019 onwards, this is the right time to speed up the rupee’s full capital account convertibility

2017_10$largeimg11_Wednesday_2017_013201128 (1) Courtesy: The Tribune
18 April 2018

Punjab’s unshakable drug smuggling networks

Since 2017, the Punjab government has been cracking down on drug networks. The campaign has so far targeted small-time drug peddlers, but deep smuggling networks that cross international as well as state borders remain intact, posing a major national security threat

india africa Courtesy: Exim Bank of India
12 April 2018

An economic agenda for India-Africa ties

The India-Africa economic partnership lags some way behind the diplomatic reciprocity the two countries share. Africa has had a trade surplus with India in the past decade, but increasing two-way trade of goods and services across sectors calls for serious promotional measures and removal of non-tariff barriers. The government, Indian business and their African partners need to devise an action plan that can take trade to $100 billion and investment to $75 billion by 2022