India First: India-ASEAN @ 25 commemorative summit
Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia participated as a speaker on a DD News panel 'India First: India-ASEAN @ 25 commemorative summit'
Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia participated as a speaker on a DD News panel 'India First: India-ASEAN @ 25 commemorative summit'
Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Gateway House and former Ambassador to Myanmar, participated in a podcast regarding the Rohingya Crisis and the repatriation of the refugees, conducted by the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS)
Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia featured in a special programme from DD News on 'India-ASEAN @ 25 Commemorative Summit'
Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House, was a speaker at the 'Future Global Leaders' event organised by Avid Learning and the U.S. Consulate General in Mumbai.
Gateway House experts, Akshay Mathur, Neelam Deo and Sameer Patil, attended the Raisina Dialogue 2018, hosted by the Observer Research Foundation.
Manjeet Kripalani was mentioned in an article by the Indian Express on a recent report released by the U.S. India Task Force of the Center for American Progress
Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations launched the U.S.-India Task Force report, “Forging an indispensable democratic partnership”, yesterday in Mumbai, in the presence of task force co-chairs, Former Ambassadors Nirupama Rao and Richard Verma, task force members, and members of Gateway House.
Economic Times quoted Sifra Lentin, Adjunct Fellow, Mumbai History Studies, Gatway House in an article about Netanyahu's visit to India
SBS interviewed Sameer Patil, Director, Centre for International Security & Fellow, National Security Studies, Gateway House
Akshay Mathur, Director of Research & Analysis at Gateway House was interviewed by CCTV on the renewed confidence in India's growth rate