GH in the G20 & T20 Courtesy: Gateway House
16 December 2022

Gateway House in G20 & T20

Gateway House is the only institution in India that has hosted official and independent meetings under the annual G20 process since 2015. In October 2022, Gateway House initiated an independent G20 Task Force on Energy Transitions and Climate Finance, the first task force of India's G20 Presidency of 2023. In this compendium of reports, Gateway House assesses and includes its engagement with this influential multilateral through task forces, research and meetings of the last nine G20 Presidencies.

Narendra-Modi-Silicon-Valley-684x420 Courtesy: Twitter: Digital India Archives
19 May 2022

Digital public goods for the Indo-Pacific

With mass digitisation, India has proved that technology is not just for the educated, privileged, and wealthy. The country's open and secure digital public platforms can be significant for the Indo-Pacific, the world's most data-rich region. The Indian model is applicable because it is open-source, interoperable, auditable, and enshrines individual rights, ownership, and empowerment.

Defence paper cover Courtesy: Wikipedia
19 January 2017

India-EU: defence cooperation and the role of industry

European defence companies can contribute significantly to India’s military modernisation under the ‘Make in India’ campaign. But before this can happen they will have to deepen their interactions in the country at the political and strategic levels to identify common areas of interest and understand India’s technological priorities in the sector