Brics_Summit_-_2012 copy Courtesy: Saurabh Das/AP Photo
30 March 2012

BRICS: Moving in the right direction?

The 4th BRICS Summit in New Delhi has brought a new dimension to emerging markets. The author explains why the summit was perhaps the most significant of the BRICS meetings so far – and one that should have the developed world really worried about their eroding position at the top of the global heap.

Courtesy: PMO
13 March 2012

India-Brazil: pioneers of a new development agenda

India and Brazil have declared inclusive development an imperative and have engineered creative solutions to meet their developmental challenges. But both also face many obstacles to equitable development. Can the upcoming BRICS Summit in New Delhi help drive a new development agenda?

Beware copy Courtesy: upton/Flickr
9 March 2012

Beware of cheap lending from China

While India’s mega-companies are only experiencing the beginning of Beijing’s accommodating bank policy, Brazil and Russia seem to have grown accustomed to Chinese money. Before they meet in New Delhi for the 2012 BRICS summit, it’s important to remember that China’s loans come with strings attached.

anna hazare 2 Courtesy: nazeah/Wikimediacommons - Ramesh Lalwani/Flickr
30 December 2011

2011’s Top Foreign Policy Cheers and Jeers

The year 2011 saw various events - the Arab Spring, anti- corruption protests, Europe's sovereign debt crisis - transform countries and reshape the world order. Gateway House takes a look at what these events mean for India, and presents India's top foreign policy cheers and jeers for the year.

monus wahhabi piece Courtesy: White House photo/WikimediaCommons
29 November 2011

NATO vs Shias: A geopolitical miscalculation

The Wahhabis, who now merit NATO backing, continue on their global mission of converting the Muslim Ummah to its relatively harsh and antediluvian ways of thinking and living. For NATO, this is a geopolitical miscalculation that will have tragic security consequences for the alliance within a decade.

brazil india africa Courtesy: PMO
21 October 2011

India-Brazil: An African collaboration

India and Brazil’s increasing engagement in Africa is a clear sign that both countries are embracing their new roles as global diplomats. By joining forces to bolster Africa’s food security, they have the chance to break ground on a tangible agenda that could have a far-reaching impact on matters of global concern

brics bailing out europe piece Courtesy:
23 September 2011

BRICS bail-out of Europe: A far cry

In a reversal of historical roles, the BRICS nations may be coming to Europe’s rescue. During the Asian Financial Crisis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduced structural adjustments in return for IMF loans, and many institutions and individuals went bankrupt. Will it be any different now?

schengen spirit of openness Courtesy: FourthFloor/Flickr
23 June 2011

The Schengen spirit of openness

Despite their economic downturns, domestic tensions keep developed countries from embracing the revitalizing potential of foreign workers. Ambassador Neelam Deo argues that India should continue to leverage its history of diversity and capitalize on a world more open to the free flow of goods and services.

brics leaders_210x140 Courtesy: dilmarousseff/Flickr
6 June 2011

BRICS: Convergence or dissonance?

As Europe stands united in its support for France's Finance Minister Christine Lagarde as a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund, many have begun to question if BRICS is truly an effective and united bloc. Will they be able to put forth a candidate all emerging countries can support?