International Monetary Fund Manging Director Christine Lagarde (L), Jeremy Johnson(2ndL), Sara Horowitz;(3rd L), Deborah Greenfield (3rd R), Jim Clifton (2nd R) and James Manyika (R) participate in a Seminar "The New Economy Forum:Future of Work" at the IMF Headquarters during the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings October 11, 2017. IMF Staff Photo/Stephen Jaffe Courtesy: IMF/ Flickr
12 October 2017

IMF, WB Annual Meetings 2017: growth outlook

The IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings, being held on October 12-15 will take place amidst news that the growth momentum of the global economy is being sustained, and the outlook looks better than it did during the Spring Meetings. How can a global consensus be developed to better address the growth fundamentals now that the global economy is strengthening?

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31 August 2017

India in Canada’s worldview

India hardly figures in current discourse on Canadian foreign policy. Yet, the two countries are important to each other: one, a source of investment, technology and energy, the other an attractive market. The current challenge is to conclude negotiations on long-pending trade and investment agreements

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3 August 2017

Malabar 2017’s geostrategic dimensions

The historical evolution of the Malabar Exercise and the currently fraught relations between the participating countries and China created a much sharper context for the event, with the Chinese evincing a heightened interest in it

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28 June 2017

Modi-Trump: starting strong

The India-U.S. strategic partnership endures even in the current state of flux, with the joint statement that President Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued holding the seeds of greater cooperation. The statement is sharper on Pakistan and China and softer on contentious bilateral issues