9,11 photo Courtesy:
7 September 2011

America: Ten years after 9/11

A decade after 9/11, the U.S. has prevented further terrorist attacks - a major achievement. But with a $1.3 trillion budget deficit, a debt downgrade, and 24 million Americans searching for jobs, the U.S. needs to attend to matters at home rather than intervening in the world's affairs.

steve jobs1 Courtesy: Marco Paköeningrat/Flickr
31 August 2011

Steve Jobs: America’s greatest innovator

“What Now?” asked the headline on the front page of the San Franciso Chronicle, the day after Steve Jobs stepped down as CEO of Apple. After more than a decade of technological ascendancy by Jobs and Apple, where and who now will the world look towards for the next creative breakthrough?

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16 August 2011

U.S. and India: ‘C’ for political management

While the U.S. political leadership is stuck with extreme positions led by the Tea Party, India’s politicians do not seem to have a position at all. It is imperative for India’s political leadership to exercise prudent fiscal leadership to ensure that economic growth is balanced and equitable.

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15 August 2011

Women ambassadors shine for India

The job of forging partnerships while sustaining India’s interests is done by its ambassadors –and New Delhi has the unique distinction of sending two women ambassadors in a row to the US. A study of Indian envoy Meera Shankar’s tenure, and what awaits her successor –and former foreign secretary–Nirupama Rao.

diaspora india Courtesy: Gateway House
12 August 2011

The Indian Diaspora: a new chapter in India’s story

This decade records a new trend for the Indian Diaspora: as the Indian economy registers strong growth, thousands return to India amidst growing employment and investment opportunities. But does India have the ability to effectively reintegrate them into society?

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19 July 2011

India-U.S.: Converging interests, at last

The upcoming strategic dialogue between India and the U.S. could prove significant: deepening people-to-people ties via the diaspora and collaboration on regional solutions could also enhance bilateral ties. Can this dialogue turn out to be a game changer in India-U.S. relations?

christine lag bob Courtesy: WorldEconomicForum/Flickr
13 July 2011

Christine Lagarde: In the hot seat

As the new head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde’s experience in cajoling world leaders will go some way in negotiating the European bailouts. The real challenge, however, will be trying to raise funds for anything as large as Italy.

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2 July 2011

U.S. drawdown in Afghanistan: Politics wins over policy

The 10-year old war in Afghanistan has reached a hazy stage as the U.S. announced a quicker withdrawal of troops, with NATO countries soon to follow. The South Asian region will undergo another makeover, hopefully opening doors for New Delhi and Islamabad.