ind jap Courtesy: generalising/Flickr
6 November 2013

The new Indo-Pacific core

The India-Japan alliance needs to be viewed through a prism broader than that of "containing" China, and by treating the Indian and Pacific oceans as a single entity. Such an alliance has the potential to strengthen the geopolitical security of India and Japan, along with that of all their allies and associates

Mars Lander Courtesy: NASA/Wikimedia Commons
6 November 2013

New Delhi: Myopic beyond Mars

At a time when China has invested substantially in its space projects and Russia is invigorating its space exploration, India too must develop a strategically-designed programme. The successful launch of the Mars Orbiter Mission should give New Delhi enough reason to increase India’s space footprint

ind emb dc Courtesy: Indian Embassy, Washington D.C.
8 October 2013

Badi Soch: U.S. lip service to democratic ideals

This daily column includes Gateway House’s Badi Soch – big thought – of the day’s foreign policy event. This Badi Soch analyses the implications of revelations about surveillance on Indian missions, by the U.S. government.

obama manmohan pete souza Courtesy: Pete Souza/Wikimedia Commons
29 September 2013

India-U.S: Consolidating relations

Since 2009, distraction and dysfunction in India and the U.S. resulted in low enthusiasm vis-à-vis bilateral ties. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who met U.S. President Barack Obama, prior to the UNGA, had one last chance to salvage India-U.S. ties before the country goes to elections in 2014. Did he succeed?

rouhani opbama wikimediacommons Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
26 September 2013

U.S.-Iran thaw is good news for India

The positive advances made by newly-elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and U.S. President Barack Obama at the 68th UN General Assembly indicates a strong potential for a thaw in Tehran-Washington relations. However, it will take sincere efforts from both sides to turn this into concrete reality. Can India help?