space Courtesy: NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center/Flickr
28 June 2013

Mining and industry in space?

An increase in the global demand for rare earth elements, used in high-technology industries, coupled with limited supplies on Earth, has accelerated extra-terrestrial exploration. International cooperation and competition for these space-based resources will determine the next human footprint and race in space.

parliament Courtesy: Shwkyn231/Flickr
31 December 2012

India’s foreign policy: A year in review

The year 2012 has been a busy one for foreign policy: from escalating disputes in the South China Sea to alternate financial instruments from the emerging world. India’s foreign policy too has its shown strengths and weaknesses. We present our top foreign policy Hotspots, Sweet spots and Blind spots for 2012.

green africa Courtesy: trendscout::/Flickr
4 October 2012

A Green Agenda for Africa

All the major economic forces in the world have come together in Africa in a new version of the Great Game. The competition for the continent’s resources will ultimately harm Africa unless Africa uses this opportunity to its advantage and to address its own serious problems.

bhojwani_0 Courtesy: SamirB37/WikimediaCommons
4 October 2012

Interview: India’s prospects in Latin America

As India looks to diversify its sources for energy imports and grapples with food security issues, it is looking more towards Latin America. Gateway House interviews Ambassador Deepak Bhojwani to discuss India’s prospects with this increasingly significant region.

Global Stability Map Courtesy: Gateway House
1 August 2012

Global Stability Map 2012

Gateway House prepared a Global Stability Map, using 20 differing indicators, to analyze the stability of 60 countries around the world. Using criteria that are important to the emerging economies of the world, the map provides an Indian perspective of the world today.

celac2 Courtesy: Martinmartin/WikimediaCommons
29 June 2012

Regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America is witnessing an exponential rise in regional integration of business houses. The resource-rich nature of most Latin American economies has led to an inward concentration of investment, which makes it an extremely interesting prospect for Indian investors.

pacific alliance pic Courtesy: ESO/WikimediaCommons
12 June 2012

The Pacific Alliance, yet another bloc in Latin America

The newly-formed Pacific Alliance bloc seems more like a political club to counterbalance the Atlantic-facing, Brazil-led Mercosur group. However, the bloc accounts for 30% of India’s trade with Latin America. Can India engage the group so it is not left out from their Asia focus?