Obelisk Buenos Aires Argentina Courtesy:
8 August 2017

India, Argentina at the startup forefront

Mumbai and Buenos Aires are cities with a shared history of trading, business and entrepreneurship. The parallels are becoming more apparent now, with Buenos Aires expanding the ecosystem of support for business in innovative ways

U.S. President Donald J. Trump, former U.S. President Barack Obama and their wives bid farewell to each other during the departure ceremony during at the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2017. More than 5,000 military members from across all branches of the armed forces of the United States, including reserve and National Guard components, provided ceremonial support and Defense Support of Civil Authorities during the inaugural period. (DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos) Courtesy: Wikipedia
9 February 2017

Bilateralism: a new Bretton Woods order?

Trump’s pronouncements about his intentions to challenge the direction and substance of America’s post World War II global ‘liberal’ order---terming institutions, like NATO, obsolete and pulling out of trade agreements, like TPP---reveal a preference for political-style deal making

WhatsApp Image 2016-09-12 at 18.40.58 Courtesy: Gateway House
15 September 2016

India Trilateral Forum: building bridges

The 11th India Trilateral Forum, a meeting series between India, Europe and the U.S., reflects a more confident India from whom expectations – especially to counter China – are high. This will require a realistic re-labelling of India by the Western powers.

t20lima Courtesy: Gateway House
19 May 2016

T20 in Lima: a Latin insight

A T20 workshop in Lima, Peru, provided the opportunity to for a deeper insight into the the Latin American economic situation. While the workshop focused on finding innovative solutions to sustain high growth in middle-income countries. There is a need for India and similar countries, to become sensitized to each others problems on development.