devyani Courtesy: Asia Society/Flickr
20 December 2013

Nanny-gate dogs strategic partnership

The recent arrest and alleged mistreatment of Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade by the U.S officials has cast a cloud over decades of Indo-U.S. partnership. With the furore showing little sign of dying down soon, could this impact bilateral ties at a time when the two nations need to work together in South Asia?

michelle Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
18 December 2013

The return of the Left in Chile

The return of the Left after four years, with the election this week of Michelle Bachelet as the president of Chile, will not mean any drastic change of direction. Chile has the most stable democracy and dynamic market in Latin America, and its Left can become a model for other countries, including India

honduras Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr
18 December 2013

A long road ahead for Honduras

The elections in Honduras returned to power the right-wing National Party. In contrast to the policies of other Latin American governments, in Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the region, poverty alleviation is not a priority for the conservatives. Will president-elect Juan Hernandez address this problem?

Bangladesh flag Mostaque Chowdhury flickr Courtesy: Mostaque Chowdhury/Flickr
12 December 2013

India, U.S: Divided over Dhaka

Come January, Bangladesh will elect its next prime minister. Although it has emerged as a significant player in the region, India and the U.S. are yet to develop a synergy in their policies towards this important nation – even as the deeper struggle for influence and resources in Asia continues

west asia W123 Wikimedia Courtesy: W123/WikimediaCommons
6 December 2013

Orienting to the new West Asia

Whether backdoor geopolitics rather than careful negotiations brought about the interim agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme, the next six months will determine its fate. Reactions have ranged from a furious and mistrustful Israel to collective relief by many countries, and a worried India welcoming the agreement

Eu iran Courtesy: European External Action Service
26 November 2013

Iran-P5+1 interim accord: An assessment

On November 24, the P5+1 and Iran reached a consensus on the interim agreement regarding Tehran’s long-disputed nuclear program. How comprehensive is this agreement, and what are its potential upshots for U.S., and West Asia – especially Israel and Saudi Arabia? More importantly, can India play a positive role?

pena nieto singh wikimedia Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
22 November 2013

Mexico: A new frontier for India

Mexico is now being increasingly referred to as the ‘China of the Americas.’ With the Mexican government introducing reforms in several sectors, and thereby easing the scope of business, how can India –which is slowly expanding its footprint in Latin America – benefit from Mexico’s rise?

himani Courtesy: counting chest bullets/Flickr
13 November 2013

The new energy price economics

In recent years, U.S. oil and gas imports have declined due to the development of shale resources in the country. How will the production of shale oil, increase in oil production by non-OPEC countries, supply disruptions in West Asia and economic growth in India and China impact global crude oil prices?

mehsud Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
11 November 2013

What Mehsud’s death means

Earlier in November, U.S. drone strikes killed Hakeemullah Mehsud, the leader of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, a militant outfit in Pakistan. What does this mean for the U.S.-Pakistan bilateral relationship, and more importantly, what are its implications for Pakistan’s domestic security situation?