UN Photo Marco Castro_210x140 Courtesy: UNPhoto/MarcoCastro
14 April 2011

South Africa’s human rights dilemma

As the newest entrant of the BRICS group, South Africa's unpredictability in upholding the human rights dimension of its foreign policy agenda, by its stance to impose a ‘no fly zone’ over Libya, has brought about an incoherency between the BRIC countries and South Africa.

Frank Wisner Courtesy: GatewayHouse
26 March 2011

“No political connectivity between BRICS”

Frank Wisner, the legendary US diplomat who was not only President Barack Obama's special envoy to Egypt but also a former ambassador to India, discusses the outlook for Egypt, resolving the mayhem in the Middle East and India-Pakistan relations in a Gateway House exclusive.

Opus88888 Wikipedia_0 Courtesy: Opus88888/Wikipedia
8 February 2011

The present situation (in Kashmir) favours India

In the last few months, South Asia has gone from being just a global security headache, to a region with new possibilities. Teresita C. Schaffer, former US ambassador to Sri Lanka, and Howard Schaffer, former US ambassador to Pakistan and Bangladesh, discuss the major challenges that confront the US in South Asia.

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17 November 2010

Global Financial Openness Index

Over the past decade, emerging markets that have liberalized are far more open to foreign banks in their markets than are developed economies. A Gateway House study of financial services in 11 countries: four BRIC countries, one emerging market, four developed economies and two developing markets.

hero_weeklyaddress_11-13-10_PS-0009_3x2 Courtesy: PeteSouza/WhiteHouse
14 November 2010

Obama post Asia

For a moment, President Obama’s Asia tour served as a diversion from the abysmal results of the US midterm election. By the end of the tour, the Obama administration was swept up in the backlash of currency crisis. Can Barack Obama be the president America needs?