India and Russia: a new Central Asian engagement Courtesy: PMO
8 February 2012

India and Russia: a new Central Asian engagement

India will do well to expand its positive and trust-laden cooperation with Russia in commerce, technology, and education, into a broader regional one, and establish a more meaningful presence in Central Asia. This will also assist in the future acquisition of energy resources in the region.

TAPI: Possibility or pipe dream? Courtesy: Michael Trolove/WikimediaCommons
21 December 2011

TAPI: Possibility or pipe dream?

Growing instability in the region make the planned Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline seem more like a burden than a solution to India’s hunt for alternative energy sources. Is it wise for India to move ahead with the $7.6 billion project?

pm kazakh visit_210x140 t Courtesy: PMO
28 April 2011

India-Kazakhstan: Beyond energy II

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met with Kazakh President Nazarbayev to strengthen ties and announced a Joint Action plan for 2011-14. Should the countries enhance their “arms-length transactional” relationship, a deeper alliance can be forged to include untapped sectors with immense potential

india kazakh Courtesy:
14 April 2011

India-Kazakhstan: Beyond energy

The India-Kazakhstan relationship is in need of a massive overhaul. Manmohan Singh’s visit to Astana is full of possibilities that can transform the relationship from a short-sighted association into a broad-based, strategic, long-term one focusing on energy, security, trade and technology.