The Airavat Incident Much ado about nothing Courtesy: U.S. Navy/WikimediaCommons
11 October 2011

The Airavat Incident: Much ado about nothing

In the context of security and sovereignty, India is involuntarily Pakistan-centric and Sino-deferential. India must deal with China with deference without degradation, firmness without confrontation, and raise the threshold of its defense posture in physical and policy measures, without upping the ante.

9,11 photo Courtesy:
7 September 2011

America: Ten years after 9/11

A decade after 9/11, the U.S. has prevented further terrorist attacks - a major achievement. But with a $1.3 trillion budget deficit, a debt downgrade, and 24 million Americans searching for jobs, the U.S. needs to attend to matters at home rather than intervening in the world's affairs.

admiral bharatan interview piece_210x140 Courtesy: OfficialU.S.NavyImagery/Flickr
19 April 2011

“India needs a maritime governance authority”

The Navy, Coast Guard, Police and maritime companies now encounter new threats, as piracy threatens the Indian seas and our trade routes. This calls for a united approach in combating threats and even more so, for a single governing body for maritime issues.

Frank Wisner Courtesy: GatewayHouse
26 March 2011

“No political connectivity between BRICS”

Frank Wisner, the legendary US diplomat who was not only President Barack Obama's special envoy to Egypt but also a former ambassador to India, discusses the outlook for Egypt, resolving the mayhem in the Middle East and India-Pakistan relations in a Gateway House exclusive.

Nina-no wIKIMEDIA Courtesy: NinaAldinThune/Wikimedia
7 February 2011

March of Follies in Egypt

There are more than Western interests at play in Egypt. The other catalysts for the unrest are a combination of Iranian adventures, hypocritical policies of West Asian regimes and resurgent commodity speculation in western markets, triggering a rise in prices of basic items in emerging markets