china check or mate v3 Courtesy: Make in India & Wikimedia commons
19 December 2014

India 2015: China’s check or mate?

From the Indian perspective, how China manages the readjustment of its economy and how secure South Asia remains, will be two major determinants that will influence world affairs in 2015. Gateway House has developed four scenarios to explain the outcomes that will ensue, starting 2015, when these two determinants intersect.

Taiwan-China-Flag Courtesy: aiaworldwide
11 December 2014

Taiwan’s centrality in Asian geopolitics

Internal power struggles within the Chinese CCP has allowed the People's Liberation Army a greater role in setting China's foreign policy. This has significant implications for the region because the status quo between China and Taiwan needs to be maintained to ensure stability in Asia and to avoid of future conflicts.

beijing_shows_kunqu_opera_1 Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
5 December 2014

A year of India-China friendship

2014 was celebrated as the year of India-China friendship with many joint high level diplomatic, defence and cultural events to strengthen relations. The cities of New Delhi and Mumbai will see the debut of the Chinese Kunqu Opera to mark the close of the year

Xi_Modi Courtesy: Narendra Modi (
27 November 2014

China’s connectivity tips for India

A major theme at the multilateral summits this month was connectivity, with China at the forefront. India is trailing behind due to a shortfall in investment and political will, among other factors. Prime Minister Modi must follow up on his meetings at the SAARC Summit by robustly taking forward India’s connectivity agenda

Mumbai Courtesy: wikimedia
7 November 2014

BRICS headquarters in Mumbai

Globally, metropolitan cities are becoming powerful centres that sustain entire countries. In the case of Mumbai, the government can work backwards by stitching the infrastructure and governance together. The tried-and-tested technique is to host an international institution or event. Gateway House argues that Mumbai is most appropriate to be home to the headquarters of BRICS

Expensive shortcuts: mining
3 November 2014

Expensive shortcuts: mining

Investors have welcomed the dilution in government regulations that currently require companies to seek the consent of local communities for industrial projects in tribal areas. We analyse the outcome of this development.