Asean and neighbours can break Myanmar impasse Courtesy: Hindustan Times
25 April 2024

ASEAN, neighbours can break Myanmar impasse

Since the military coup in 2021, fighting continues unabated in several parts of Myanmar, including the strategically important Rakhine state. The country’s internal problems can't be solved by the Myanmarese people alone. Experts in ASEAN and Myanmar's neighbours should be given the chance to offer solutions driven by their understanding of the history, national identity, diversity, challenges and potential of this country.

Gift City Courtesy: Realty Plus
25 April 2024

Gift city, the anti-Golden Visa

The Golden Visa, an investment-for-residence offered by 100 countries, is a status symbol for the wealthy and their investments. Now governments are discovering it is also a safe hideout for tax evaders and money launderers, and several countries that offer it are no longer as attractive to live in. High net worth Indians who have enjoyed the status, may be better off investing at home in GIFT City.

Indo-pac regaining salience Courtesy: CGTN
18 April 2024

Indo-Pacific’s shifting seas

China’s hostile actions in the East and South China Seas have led to a deepening of naval partnerships within the Indo-Pacific such as the U.S., Japan, Philippines, Australia and South Korea. As crises in West Asia escalate and the strategic contest between the U.S. and China hardens in the Pacific Ocean, India – placed strategically in the Indo-Pacific – can’t neglect either the west nor east.

Myanmar needs outside help Courtesy: The Indian Express
11 April 2024

Myanmar needs outside help

Over three years of civil war in Myanmar, and there is no end in sight. The country’s stakeholders are unable to de-escalate the conflict or reliably distribute aid to those affected. Friends, including India, must step in — not only to stop the fighting and alleviate the suffering, but to help facilitate a return to normalcy.

GSI Cover IMage Courtesy: Global Times
22 February 2024

China’s many initiatives for dominance

China’s world vision has entered its next phase. After the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), come the Global Initiative on Data Security (GIDS) so Chinese tech standards can lead, Global Development Initiative (GDI) so China leads the development dialogue, and Global Security Initiative (GSI), so China’s security is ‘indivisible’ from other countries – all in time for China’s 2049 goal of becoming a global power.

india's g20 hbs Courtesy: Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung
14 December 2023

India’s G20 Presidency: Policy Prescription to Impact

India’s G20 presidency was effective in insulating the forum from geopolitical turbulence and placing the spotlight on the Global South. Although the G20 stands strengthened today due to India’s creative and forward-looking presidency, member nations confronting inter-state contestations, domestic elections and concurrent economic crises in the coming year will have to muster the political will to ensure a sustained commitment to the grouping's promises.

BRICS India website Courtesy:
24 August 2023

The BRICS Imperative

The BRICS Summit in Johannesburg has drawn international attention to the grouping’s past record of achievements and failures, its strained internal dynamics, and new challenges. As BRICS heads into its 18th year, its success and way forward will depend on the members’ ability to tackle the principal challenge of retaining its internal solidarity while balancing expansion and its impact and influence in the world.

Website Podcast Courtesy: The Print
11 August 2023

China slips into deflation

The Chinese economy has slipped into deflation, partly due to the growing mistrust of foreign investors and the government's strategy of over-management and micromanagement. In an episode of Forbes India’s ToThePoint, Amit Bhandari, Senior Fellow, Energy, Connectivity and Investment, Gateway House discusses the impact of this slowdown on the global economy, while highlighting key takeaways for India, which aims to be a manufacturing hub.

Indian Flags G20 Courtesy: Shutterstock
17 November 2022

Dialogue and diplomacy for peace

Despite the current tense global atmosphere, India and its foreign policy have remained true to its core of peace and security for all and equity and justice for the developing world. Throughout history, dialogue and diplomacy has been supported as a solution to dispute. Now, as G20 President, New Delhi can sow these seeds of peace in an increasingly multipolar world.

Putin's Speech Valdai Courtesy: Valdai Discussion Club
3 November 2022

At Valdai, Putin’s vision of emerging world order

The reference to India by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Valdai Discussion Club may be interpreted as encouragement to New Delhi to use its good offices to nudge the warring sides to the negotiating table. Mediation is a big power game, and this may be the right time for India, at the cusp of the G20 Presidency, to start with a record of success