George wyeth piece image Courtesy: Rajesh_India/Flickr
20 September 2013

An unseen revolution in Indian manufacturing?

Indian manufacturing’s share of GDP has been stagnating. Some of the industry’s problems stem from a business culture of hierarchy and bureaucracy. But competitive pressure is forcing a transformation, and the new management models now being adopted can change how investors and customers perceive Indian companies

shale gas himani Justin Woolford Flickr Courtesy: Justin Woolford/Flickr
13 September 2013

The real cost of shale gas

India’s ability to meet its growing gas demand from shale depends on the availability of land and water, and minimising social and environmental costs. The government’s 2012 draft shale gas policy does not offer solutions. How can India create a stable investment environment for the shale gas market?

Manmohan Humala flickr Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
12 September 2013

Peru: India’s new billion-dollar trade partner in Latin America

Today, despite Indian exports to Peru expected to cross the $ 1 billion mark in 2014, we are at a disadvantage vis-a-vis the exports from Peru's free trade agreement (FTA) partners. Why is it imperative for New Delhi to initiate negotiations with Lima and address the disadvantages of our exporters to their markets?

manmohan obama seema Courtesy: U.S. Embassy New Delhi
11 September 2013

India-U.S: Last chance to salvage ties

Since 2009, distraction and dysfunction in both India and the U.S. have dissipated the enthusiasm for greater bilateral ties. However, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has one last chance to salvage India-U.S. ties during his visit to the country this month, and he must utilise it appropriately

subbarao IMF FLICKR Courtesy: IMF/Flickr
6 September 2013

RBI chief Subbarao signs off

The outgoing Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, D. Subbarao, delivered his last speech – the Nani Palkhiwala memorial lecture – as the head of the country’s central bank on August 29. Aditya Phatak blogs about how he combined tough talk and confession with balance and political sagacity

pashtuns Courtesy: isafmedia/Flickr
6 September 2013

“The Pashtuns want peace and plurality”

Gateway House speaks to Farhat Taj, author of ‘Taliban and Anti-Taliban,’ about the general sentiment among the locals regarding the Taliban insurgents and how the Pakistani military establishment’s support for the insurgency will play out in the coming months