This year, India's defence diplomacy has ramped up. In 2015 alone there have been 18 military exercises- naval, army and air force- with 13 countries, among the largest engagements the country has had. Most significant is Japan joining the Malabar exercises in the Bay of Bengal and the first-ever maritime exercise with Australia. This is increasing India's presence from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal. As these exercises intensify India will be better positioned to handle regional security challenges. Courtesy:
12 November 2015

India’s defence diplomacy

This year, India's defence diplomacy has ramped up. In 2015 alone there have been 18 military exercises- naval, army and air force- with 13 countries, among the largest engagements the country has had. Most significant is Japan joining the Malabar exercises in the Bay of Bengal and the first-ever maritime exercise with Australia. This is increasing India's presence from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal. As these exercises intensify India will be better positioned to handle regional security challenges.

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5 November 2015

Quiet burial for the nuclear deal?

Solar power developers have offered to sell electricity in India at less than Rs 5/unit. This makes solar competitive with traditional forms of energy, and makes new nuclear power plants financially unviable. India must register the changed reality, and discard the idea of expensive Western reactors. Time to scrap the India-U.S. nuclear deal?

Modi Obama Wiki Courtesy: Wikipedia
21 October 2015

Building on India-U.S. meeting points

Modi’s second visit to the U.S. in September indicates a growing partnership in such areas as business, technology, and climate change. Though gaps too remain—for example, India is not part of the TPP and its bid for a UNSC seat is on hold—for now, it is time to consolidate bilateral meeting points, and India can start by simplifying its trade policy and tariff structure

nuke power plant Courtesy: Pixabay
15 October 2015

Why India-U.S. energy ties are stuck

Even as India and Germany move ahead on energy cooperation, India-U.S. energy collaboration is stranded in the three key areas: nuclear power, shale gas, and solar energy. But with cheaper energy imports due to the fall in fossil fuel prices over the past 12 months, India can wait till it gets a better deal from the U.S.

Modi SAP Center Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
8 October 2015

Dialing up the Diaspora: Modi Act II

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s U.S. visit from 26-30 September managed to attract a lot of attention from Indian-Americans. However, not a lot of business was done. The diaspora hopes that Modi visits the U.S. again next year but the focus must shift to showcasing India’s commitment towards progress of “Make in India”, self-reliance in energy and commitment towards elimination climate change.

Tumisu_Pixabay Courtesy: Tumisu/Pixabay
24 September 2015

Innovation bridge: Silicon Valley to India

Sharad Sharma, co-founder, iSpirt, talks about Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the Silicon Valley on September 27. In an in interview to Gateway House, he outlines the steps that would make Modi’s visit a success for Digital India campaign and other key issues.

UN-Sicherheitsrat_-_UN_Security_Council_-_New_York_City_-_2014_01_06 Courtesy: Wikipedia
24 September 2015

The UN at 70: reform or retire?

On 14 September, a UN General Assembly resolution called for reform of the Security Council (SC). But when the world is in turmoil and alternative multilateral institutions are emerging, this may be a case of too little being done too late. It is imperative now for the SC to include India, Brazil, Germany, and Japan and adapt to a rapidly evolving world.

US - India Stats Title Courtesy: Gateway House
24 September 2015

India-U.S.: Key Stats

The U.S. and India share a long-standing relationship. These facts and figures highlights the complexities as well as the potential of the bilateral.

Indian_Space_Research_Organisation_Logo.svg Courtesy: Wikipedia
23 September 2015

Space R&D: a strategic frontier

Instead of inviting foreign corporations to India to create a manufacturing base, Modi can use his Silicon Valley experience to build a similar research and development foundation in India for indigenous high-tech companies. A strategic space megaproject could be the start of this much-needed push.