Modi at G20 Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs/GoI
26 December 2014

India’s foreign policy reimagined

The style and substance of the foreign policies of Narendra Modi’s six-month-old government have been remarkably different from those of his predecessors. Gateway House examines the changes in India’s equations with three critical countries—the US, China and Pakistan—and outlines a foreign policy forecast for 2015

china check or mate v3 Courtesy: Make in India & Wikimedia commons
19 December 2014

India 2015: China’s check or mate?

From the Indian perspective, how China manages the readjustment of its economy and how secure South Asia remains, will be two major determinants that will influence world affairs in 2015. Gateway House has developed four scenarios to explain the outcomes that will ensue, starting 2015, when these two determinants intersect.

Carter_final Courtesy:
11 December 2014

Ashton Carter knows India well

Chuck Hagel’s unremarkable stint as the U.S. Defence Secretary should soon be forgotten if Ashton Carter’s nomination is confirmed. Even though Carter’s nomination bodes well for the India-U.S. bilateral due to his work on furthering the defence partnership he will be faced with more immediate concerns and the onus will then be on India to strategically enhance the relationship

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31 October 2014

India needs an anti-tapering strategy

India faces heightened geoeconomic risks as the U.S. exits its unconventional monetary policy and the value of the dollar appreciates against major currencies. We can mitigate the risks with a multilateral safety net to provide liquidity, and by attracting FDI through the ‘Make in India’ programme

kudankulam Courtesy:
1 October 2014

Decoding the India-U.S. nuclear deal

Bringing U.S. nuclear technology to India is a goal identified in the countries’ joint vision statement. Although public discourse on the India-U.S. nuclear deal has focussed on the liability clause, the pact’s success also depends on resolving other factors such as local sourcing, technology transfer and project delays