Modi departure_Bhutan Courtesy: MEA/Indian Embassy Thimphu
18 June 2014

Modi: charting a new foreign policy course

Narendra Modi’s first month in office has seen him deftly handle India’s neighbours, accept an invitation to visit Washington, enhance relations with Bhutan and accord due importance to China. In the same manner, Modi will also have to move quickly and firmly to reassure foreign investors of the dependability of India’s fiscal environment

latam2 Courtesy: wikimediacommons
17 June 2014

Mann-India goes to Macondo

Even small Indian IT companies have managed to succeed in the Latin American market. Understanding the local culture is one of the main keys to success as illustrated in the case of Mann India Technologies, which was one of the earliest Indian entrants in the Latin American IT market.

Lat-Am delegation_210x140 Courtesy:
6 June 2014

India’s 10-point agenda for LatAm

Gateway House outlines a renewed agenda for India’s relationship with Latin America. If the new government led by Narendra Modi takes these policy steps, centred on economic diplomacy, India can benefit from Latin America’s huge natural resources, increasingly assertive foreign policy, and significant economic growth

Shangri La Dialogue Courtesy: Department of National Defence, Republic of Philippines
5 June 2014

Rethinking India’s role in Asia

The recently held Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual security forum of Asia’s defence establishments, highlighted the growing anxieties over China’s belligerent pursuit of territories under dispute in the South China Sea. The U.S. and Japan have made it clear that they will strongly challenge China’s claims. It’s a tussle that will throw up new security dilemmas for India in the future

Pettinger_book case Courtesy: PittengerforCongress
13 May 2014

‘I had mixed feelings about the resolution’

U.S Congressman Robert Pittenger, co-sponsor of the resolution urging the U.S government to continue with its policy of not granting a visa to Narendra Modi says he signed the resolution despite having mixed feelings. In an interview to Gateway House he also talks about the potentials of the India-U.S. bilateral

kantibajpai Courtesy: Gateway House
22 April 2014

Defining India’s priorities in East Asia

Dr. Kanti Bajpai, Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, talks about the reasons for the breakdown in the India-U.S. bilateral. In an interview to Gateway House, he also examines the recent strides taken in deepening India-Japan ties and the new government’s priorities in East Asia

southblock Courtesy: rajkumari1220/Flickr
18 April 2014

Circles & Corridors of Economic Diplomacy

India’s political and economic future will be determined over the next few weeks. Gateway House recommends a priority diplomacy agenda for the next government – one which puts economics at the heart of our foreign policy