KeywordImage1 Courtesy: Gateway House
24 December 2015

Modi’s keywords for the year

Gateway House sifted through the speeches of Prime Minister Narenda Modi during his visits abroad in 2015 to assess the terms—such as cooperation and economy—he used most frequently. As the terminology pattern shows, India’s foreign policy is now focussed on forging new and improved global partnerships. And as the most-travelled head of state in the world, Modi’s words indicate India’s new global positioning

Modi-AbeMEAFlickr Courtesy: MEA/Flickr
17 December 2015

India balances Asian security with Japan

During Japanese PM Shinzo Abe’s recent visit to India, both countries made important progress in strengthening their security engagement focused on maritime security, defence purchases and counter-terrorism. Nonetheless, Indian policymakers are conscious of regional concerns about Japan’s renewed nationalism and of balancing this relationship with that of China

Conférence des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques - COP21 (Paris, Le Bourget) Courtesy: COP Paris / Flickr
16 December 2015

Cop-out at COP21

COP21 is a reality check for those who like to believe that geopolitical power is shifting from West to East. The just-concluded Paris Climate Summit was essentially about the early-to-develop Western powers continuing to exercise almost complete control over global governance structures, largely through the dominance of markets.

India US energy war Courtesy: MEA India / Flickr
9 December 2015

COP21: unspoken India-U.S. war

An unspoken war has been waged between India and the U.S. at the COP21 Summit in Paris. If the West wants India to opt for more expensive energy options, then they must also reciprocate by sharing technology.

CVibqQVVAAEJJF9 Courtesy: Twitter
7 December 2015

Bangkok breakthrough

The brief interaction between Modi and Sharif in Paris paved way for a meeting between the NSAs of the two states in Bangkok on 6 December. It is these unobtrusive talks by empowered envoys in neutral venues which will achieve real results

Baka-charging-station_cropped Courtesy: Sass Peress / Wikipedia
3 December 2015

Cheap finance for climate change

The Climate Conference in Paris offers the globe a chance to arrive at a firm action plan—and underpinning this chance are advances in solar and electric vehicles technology. If the Paris talks focus on making such technology and related finance available to countries like India, we can move closer to achieving climate goals

Ecuador Dhruv Courtesy: Presidencia Ecuador / Flickr
26 November 2015

India-Ecuador: growing past defence

The Ecuadorian president’s first-ever state visit to India this month was cancelled, possibly because four of seven helicopters supplied by HAL to Ecuador have crashed. But this hurdle can be overcome, and ties between the two countries can expand beyond defence and oil to sectors such as pharma, IT, and agribusiness.