Prime Minister Modi with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu taking a leisurely stroll along Olga beach in northern Israel, on the last day of the Indian PM's historic visit in July 2017. Courtesy: Flickr/MEA India
11 January 2018

Soft power of Israel’s Indian Jews

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu’s official visit to India from January 14 to 19 will lay accent on the many commercial ties that bind the two countries. Equally important, if less visible, is Israel’s Indian Jewish diaspora, that has benefited greatly ever since full diplomatic relations were established

aa-Cover-aku7um6k6ta50ut215mv8qrrj6-20180107020128.Medi Courtesy: AP (Courtesy of The Asian Age)
7 January 2018

The unchanged U.S.-Pakistan dynamic

Logistical support for this mission, movement of heavy equipment, fuel and other supplies, needs connectivity via Pakistan.

Snapshot-Energy Map Courtesy: Gateway House
4 January 2018

India’s opportunity in high energy prices

India has benefited from three years of low petroleum prices. The tide is now turning, with oil moving from a benign $50 to $70 a barrel. This is a good time for it to start using financial instruments and asset purchases, as other countries do, to protect itself against further price rises

Indo-Pacific Security Quad Courtesy: Indian Navy
3 January 2018

A case for the Quad’s reappearance

A noticeable feature of 2017 was China’s aggressiveness, which it deployed openly to advance its interests in the eastern rim, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and South Asia. This could well be the impetus for the consolidation of a broad front of China-wary nations in 2018