kantibajpai Courtesy: Gateway House
22 April 2014

Defining India’s priorities in East Asia

Dr. Kanti Bajpai, Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, talks about the reasons for the breakdown in the India-U.S. bilateral. In an interview to Gateway House, he also examines the recent strides taken in deepening India-Japan ties and the new government’s priorities in East Asia

BOUTON Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
20 February 2014

‘The biggest concern is trade’

Marshall Bouton, an expert on the India-U.S. bilateral, talks about how ties between the two countries can be repaired. In an interview to Gateway House, he also discusses the steps India must take to integrate with the global economy, and the U.S.’s plans in Afghanistan

david2 Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
12 February 2014

India-Australia: Deepening the bilateral

Gateway House interviews David Brewster, Visiting Fellow, Strategic & Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, and Senior Visiting Fellow, Maritime Studies Programme, Gateway House, on his latest report, ‘The India-Australia Security Engagement: Opportunities and Challenges’

ambkatju2 Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
16 January 2014

‘It is premature to make such attempts’

Vivek Katju, former Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan, says about India’s attempts to reintegrate the Afghan economy into the region. In an interview to Gateway House he also talks about why it will take time for Afghanistan to become a bridge for the flow of trade, and how the U.S.-Pakistan equation impacts India

pashtuns Courtesy: isafmedia/Flickr
6 September 2013

“The Pashtuns want peace and plurality”

Gateway House speaks to Farhat Taj, author of ‘Taliban and Anti-Taliban,’ about the general sentiment among the locals regarding the Taliban insurgents and how the Pakistani military establishment’s support for the insurgency will play out in the coming months