afflag Courtesy: isafmedia/Flickr
26 December 2013

Non-violence in Afghanistan

Gateway House recently co-hosted the premiere show of the documentary ‘Frontier Gandhi’ in Mumbai. But do the ideals of non-violence have any active adherents in Afghanistan today? A search reveals a remarkable variety of passionate action in the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Badshah Khan

obama manmohan pete souza Courtesy: Pete Souza/Wikimedia Commons
29 September 2013

India-U.S: Consolidating relations

Since 2009, distraction and dysfunction in India and the U.S. resulted in low enthusiasm vis-à-vis bilateral ties. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who met U.S. President Barack Obama, prior to the UNGA, had one last chance to salvage India-U.S. ties before the country goes to elections in 2014. Did he succeed?

Indira Lyndon Jerchel wikimediacommons Courtesy: Jerchel/WikimediaCommons
24 September 2013

The case for India-Alignment

India often finds itself in the right place at the wrong time or vice versa, as our dogma of non-alignment trumps honest calculations of self-interest in policy-making – rendering it unfavourable. The national interest, hence, calls for selective alignment on some issues with Washington and on others with Beijing