GST_Indian_rupee Courtesy: Associated Press
14 August 2014

How far away is fiscal federalism?

The debates and delays over the Goods and Services Tax exemplify how fiscal federalism is evolving through threats to its original design and rearguard action by states. Rebalancing the centre-state relationship is not easy, but an enlightened fiscal federalism is indispensable to keeping the republic together

Hagel2 Courtesy: Joshua Martin
7 August 2014

Hagel in India: building greater synergy

U.S. defence secretary Chuck Hagel’s visit is the third in a flurry of visits by top American officials before the scheduled Modi-Obama meet in September. Hagel’s visit will aim to enhance an already well-established defence-trade partnership and allay fears of the Pentagon’s bias towards Pakistan

Arun Jaitley with briefcase Courtesy: Ministry of Finance/GoI
5 August 2014

Poll pledges and budget realities

If Budget 2014 is used as a reference point to examine how closely the Modi government kept to its election promises, it is evidently not easy to extirpate the old ways of doing business. This is clear, for example, in the punitive capital gains tax rate on debt mutual funds. Budget 2015 must correct the anomalies

afghan elections Courtesy: Wikimedia\commons
5 August 2014

Afghanistan: who blinks first?

Squabbling over Afghan election results still continues but the collapse of the process has been averted for now. More than 700 international election observers are in Kabul ready to conduct the 100% audit of the Afghan runoff election. India has always supported a peaceful transition but the situation in Kabul remains as unpredictable as ever

kerry-modi Courtesy: MEA\photogallery
4 August 2014

John Kerry’s charm offensive

Much was made of the ‘incredible possibilities’ for India-U.S. ties preceding John Kerry’s visit to India. The American emphasis on rhetoric touched a new high when Kerry formally invited Indian PM Modi to Washington in September. The two sides must now get beyond words to work towards a resolution of differences for the bilateral to blossom

kerry Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs
2 August 2014

Strengthening ties amid differences

The 5th India-U.S. Strategic Dialogue was an effort to reverse the downward spiral in bilateral ties, and an opportunity for the two countries to get a realistic assessment of each other. Clearly given the range of differences on issues such as trade, tariffs and price controls, there is still plenty of work to be done

LNG platform Courtesy: Wikimedia\Floyd Rosebridge
1 August 2014

India-U.S: energy can charge the bilateral

Cooperation in the energy sector offers a chance for India and the U.S. to build on a mutually beneficial and complementary relationship. The U.S. will gain from having a large, long-term market while India will benefit from cheaper and more diversified energy sources