Sushma on Gaza Courtesy: Rajya Sabha TV
30 July 2014

A confusing stand on Gaza

Historically, India has supported the Palestinian cause but today, shares strong diplomatic relations with both West Bank and Tel Aviv. India's vote at the UNHRC has provoked much debate within the country as it marks a distinct shift in the government's stand from a few weeks ago when it was reluctant to even discuss the Gaza crisis in Parliament

Modi Jokowi cross Courtesy: Gateway House
22 July 2014

A better partner: Indonesia?

The recent election in Indonesia gives India a chance to evaluate the many points of comparison between the two diverse and vibrant democracies. Both will face similar challenges, and so Indonesia may be a better parallel as well as partner than China – the usual model cited for development

Modi with Tobgay Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
10 July 2014

Time for economic diplomacy

The Narendra Modi government’s first budget comes at a time when the prime minister has been substantially responsive to the world that has reached out to him. It is apparent that the new government will combine politico-strategic concerns with economic advantage

ISIS Courtesy:
4 July 2014

Wahhabi designs on India

Indian security establishments are closely monitoring developments in West Asia in the wake of the recent threat against India by the Islamic State and the Al-Qaeda. While the possibility of terror violence cannot be ruled out, careful attention needs to be given to the attempts to spread Wahhabi ideology in India