space Courtesy: NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center/Flickr
28 June 2013

Mining and industry in space?

An increase in the global demand for rare earth elements, used in high-technology industries, coupled with limited supplies on Earth, has accelerated extra-terrestrial exploration. International cooperation and competition for these space-based resources will determine the next human footprint and race in space.

Musharaff Courtesy: World Economic Forum/ Flickr
27 June 2013

Badi Soch: Musharraf caught in the crosshairs

This daily column includes Gateway House’s Badi Soch – big thought – of the day’s foreign policy events. Today’s focus is on why prosecuting former President General Pervez Musharraf has serious implications for regional stability

china breifing Courtesy: China Briefing
26 June 2013

Hedging China Manufacturing Through India Just Became Corporate Strategy

Indian laws and regulations are now being perceived friendly by foreign investments. With a favourable worker demographic dividend, India and Vietnam are poised to become becoming Asia’s new manufacturing hubs, although at China’s cost

shale Courtesy: Penn State Outreach/Flickr
24 June 2013

Will shale change India’s energy equation?

The significant shale gas deposits held by several countries, including India, have implications for global energy prices, geopolitics and climate change. But India needs to develop a strong shale gas policy that can help in lowering its trade deficit while ensuring sustainable development.

iranupload Courtesy: openDemocracy/Flickr
22 June 2013

In Iran now, will it be country before cause?

Hassan Rohani’s victory in the June 14 presidential election has demonstrated a growing urge among Iranians for democracy, freedom and integration with the outside world. Will Rohani be able to create an environment where pragmatic policies and national interests take precedence over revolutionary zeal?

John Kerry 2 Courtesy: Center for American Progress/ Flickr
21 June 2013

India-U.S. revive lingering ties

The upcoming India-U.S. Strategic Dialogue offers an appropriate platform to move past complaints both sides have against each other in the trade and economic spheres. The stage can be used to re-apply emphasis on strategic relations and reach levels of goodwill established during the time of former U.S. President George W. Bush and Manmohan Singh

Nuclear Plant (Crop) Courtesy: NRCgov/ Flickr
21 June 2013

The energy behind Kerry’s visit

India-U.S. bilateral trade stands to benefit if U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is able to seek clarification on the specificities of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act and alleviate the worries of American energy companies which fear paying monetary damages without limit in the event of a nuclear accident

Tarun Kataria Photo Courtesy: Tarun Kataria
21 June 2013

The rupee’s precipitous plunge

Tarun Kataria, CEO, Religare Capital Markets India foresaw the decline of the rupee to the 60 mark against the U.S. dollar several months ago. He speaks to Gateway House’s Manjeet Kripalani about the impact the rupee crisis will have on the economy and consumers and how the government can reverse the situation

Afghan national army by ISAFmedia Flickr Courtesy: ISAFmedia/Flickr
21 June 2013

Kabul Diary: Hope and fissures

Kabul Diary is a compilation of experiences and observations by Gateway House’s Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy, who is visiting Afghanistan. In her first entry, she writes about her first impressions and important political developments, such as the break in talks on the Bilateral Security Agreement between Afghanistan and the U.S.

Untitled Courtesy: Center for American Progress Action Fund/Flickr
21 June 2013

Kerry: Stepping onto an Asian merry-go-round

The U.S. Secretary of State’s visit to India comes at a time when India is witnessing significant realignments in its domestic politics while the U.S. is busy tackling its cyber-spying allegations. Amidst these preoccupations, will the upcoming India-U.S. talks churn out substantive outcomes?