Ufa 2015 in Numbers
16 July 2015

Ufa 2015 in Numbers

The Russian city of Ufa, capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, played host to three major summits from July 8-10—BRICS, SCO and Russia's Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). Here are some of the characteristics and developments from the summit in numbers

Israel-Saudi Courtesy: Wikipedia
13 July 2015

Reassessing our Israel, Arab engagement

The announcement in June of a Saudi-Israeli alliance against Iran has to be seen in the context of the strategic dimensions of India’s relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, and the U.S. And it has far-reaching implications for India’s policy towards West Asia

Shanghai_pudong Courtesy: Wikipedia
7 July 2015

Ideas for the NDB’s institutional design

The New Development Bank initiated by BRICS countries can reform and democratise global economic governance. But to reach this goal, in this critical period when the bank is preparing to operationalise, it must formulate an innovative institutional design. This article outlines four guiding principles for such a structure

Kerry in Pakistan Courtesy: US Embassy in Pakistan
25 June 2015

Beguiling Americans: a guide for Indian diplomats

Pakistan continues to receive succour from its long-time ally, the U.S., despite blundering about in its neighbourhood unabashedly- be it through righteous indignation or through generous courtesies. The external affairs ministry needs to improve its approach towards U.S. officials who are visiting India in order to better its relation with the country.

US Senate 2 Courtesy: U.S. Senate/Wikimedia Commons
24 June 2015

Critics of Iran nuclear deal press on

Hardliners in the U.S. argue that the Obama administration’s eagerness to declare success has given Iran an advantage in the negotiations on its nuclear programme. Even if the agreement between the U.S., its partners, and Iran is finalised in the coming days, Obama has the tough task of convincing the U.S. Congress to lift sanctions

info7- Pacific Alliance Courtesy: www.info7.com
2 June 2015

The Pacific Alliance & India

The Pacific Alliance—Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile—is one of the newest and most vibrant regional groupings in Latin American. Apart from the liberal foreign trade policies of these countries, they also have higher growth and lower inflation rates than their neighbours. India’s trade with the grouping has been growing, and as an observer member of the bloc, there is scope for much deeper engagement.

Leaders_of_TPP_member_states- wikipedia Courtesy: Wikipedia
20 May 2015

TPP and RCEP: the hare and the tortoise?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership might soon be concluded if the U.S. Congress fast-tracks it, as recently announced, while the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement remains on slow-track. But the TPP, although ambitious, follows an outdated template, and it is the dynamic RCEP that can be a model for a new global rules-based framework