pragati june issue_0 Courtesy: Pragati
8 June 2011

Why India matters in Afghanistan

The execution of Osama Bin Laden has led to a decline in international military presence in Afghanistan, opening the door for developmental agencies and regional actors to play a more active role. Can India take advantage of this critical juncture and work towards achieving peace in Afghanistan?

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4 May 2011

Obama gets Osama

Osama Bin Laden’s death may not have an immediate effect on Al Qaeda’s ability to conduct operations nor may it deter the ‘democratic’ protests of the Arab Spring. Pakistan though, will now have to answer to global questioning and may reshuffle its stance with the Taliban and other terrorist groups.

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1 May 2011

Getting the military out of Pakistani politics

Pakistan is unlikely to collapse anytime soon, but the imbalance of power between its civilian and military branches needs to be addressed if it is to become an effective modern state. Washington must stop coddling Pakistan’s military and instead work patiently to support the country’s civilian authorities.

admiral bharatan interview piece_210x140 Courtesy: OfficialU.S.NavyImagery/Flickr
19 April 2011

“India needs a maritime governance authority”

The Navy, Coast Guard, Police and maritime companies now encounter new threats, as piracy threatens the Indian seas and our trade routes. This calls for a united approach in combating threats and even more so, for a single governing body for maritime issues.

Frank Wisner Courtesy: GatewayHouse
26 March 2011

“No political connectivity between BRICS”

Frank Wisner, the legendary US diplomat who was not only President Barack Obama's special envoy to Egypt but also a former ambassador to India, discusses the outlook for Egypt, resolving the mayhem in the Middle East and India-Pakistan relations in a Gateway House exclusive.