modi Courtesy: Rangilo Gujarati/Wikimedia Commons
19 May 2014

‘Modi will be firm on Indian interests’

Professor M.D. Nalapat, Director, Department of Geopolitics, Manipal University talks about India’s foreign policy in the Modi era. In an interview to Gateway House, he says that as Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be pragmatic in his dealings with the U.S. and China and will focus on creating harmony in Asia

Pettinger_book case Courtesy: PittengerforCongress
13 May 2014

‘I had mixed feelings about the resolution’

U.S Congressman Robert Pittenger, co-sponsor of the resolution urging the U.S government to continue with its policy of not granting a visa to Narendra Modi says he signed the resolution despite having mixed feelings. In an interview to Gateway House he also talks about the potentials of the India-U.S. bilateral

kantibajpai Courtesy: Gateway House
22 April 2014

Defining India’s priorities in East Asia

Dr. Kanti Bajpai, Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, talks about the reasons for the breakdown in the India-U.S. bilateral. In an interview to Gateway House, he also examines the recent strides taken in deepening India-Japan ties and the new government’s priorities in East Asia