Mumbai Courtesy: wikimedia
7 November 2014

BRICS headquarters in Mumbai

Globally, metropolitan cities are becoming powerful centres that sustain entire countries. In the case of Mumbai, the government can work backwards by stitching the infrastructure and governance together. The tried-and-tested technique is to host an international institution or event. Gateway House argues that Mumbai is most appropriate to be home to the headquarters of BRICS

US elections Courtesy: wikimedia
5 November 2014

What the U.S. mid-term polls foretell

The Republicans emerged as the clear victors in the U.S. mid-term elections on November 4, taking control of both Houses of Congress. How will this outcome, which has made President Obama’s task more complicated, impact American foreign policy? What are the implications for India? Gateway House analyses the results

mia-main Courtesy: wikimediacommons
31 October 2014

India needs an anti-tapering strategy

India faces heightened geoeconomic risks as the U.S. exits its unconventional monetary policy and the value of the dollar appreciates against major currencies. We can mitigate the risks with a multilateral safety net to provide liquidity, and by attracting FDI through the ‘Make in India’ programme

UN Courtesy: wikimediacommons
31 October 2014

Should India give up on the UNSC?

Despite staking a claim to permanent UN Security Council membership 60 years ago, India is no closer to that goal. While conflict zones remain in Africa and Asia, economic might has shifted eastwards. The West-dominated UNSC is becoming irrelevant. If India becomes a permanent member, can it influence the council’s ethos?

lng Courtesy: wikimedia
24 October 2014

Can cheap oil give peace a chance?

The fall in oil prices is creating new complexities for the energy exporting economies of West Asia. With smaller profits, these countries may not be able to buy off political dissent at home and fund client governments and rebels abroad. Lower energy prices could also mean a renewed chance for peace

Yal Railway Line Courtesy:
17 October 2014

India’s imperatives in Sri Lanka

India has tried to address the concerns of Sri Lankan Tamils through projects such as the recently-inaugurated railway between Jaffna and Colombo. But their aspirations for autonomy in the North and East remain unfulfilled, and New Delhi faces a dilemma—pushing Colombo on political issues can drive it closer to Beijing

HK symbols Courtesy: Springtimeofnations.blogspot
17 October 2014

Umbrella movement’s symbolic dilemma

The protests in Hong Kong portray a grim future for Beijing's 'one country, two systems' policy. But do the constructively-inclined, young campaigners need a new set of symbols, signs and ideologies to differentiate themselves from the feeble-minded followers of the merely hostile?

Online debate: From Tahrir Square to Hong Kong
14 October 2014

Online debate: From Tahrir Square to Hong Kong

The Hong Kong student protests have brought back memories of the youth uprisings in West Asia. Gateway House debates the differences and similarities of these movements that have so dramatically changed our world – and more is yet to come. From Tahrir Square in Egypt to Hong Kong, social media has been the driver for change

DD paper cover Courtesy: Spenta Multimedia
10 October 2014

Taking Doordarshan global

News channels like China’s CCTV, Russia Today and Al-Jazeera have become definitive voices for their nations and for international views. Now, with the Modi government on a public messaging and public realations spree, it is the right time to re-configure our public broadcaster, Doordarshan, to showcase India’s growing global ties and the success of its democracy to the world.

Hong Kongers Courtesy:
10 October 2014

Hong Kong’s identity crisis

China’s rise as an economic power has meant that Hong Kong has lost its edge as the East’s international centre for business. This decline combined with Beijing’s efforts to cement control over the city has led to protests that have an underlying theme of Hong Kong wanting to chart its own path under the “one country two-systems” policy