Brian Ferguson DoD_210x140 Courtesy: Brian Ferguson/DoD
12 November 2010

Rethinking an Afghanistan Exit Strategy

Richard Armitage, a former US deputy Secretary of State, believes that the Obama administration should take its partnership with the Afghan and Pakistani government before it proceeds with its proposed troop withdrwal from Afghanistan in July 2011

Frances Voon_3x2 Courtesy: Frances Voon/Flickr
7 October 2010

Environmental diplomacy

The Sundarbans, one of world’s most endangered eco-systems, sits on the sensitive border between India and Bangladesh, and the issues that surround it have the potential to either advance or regress the relationship between the two neighbours

uncertainty sri lanka Courtesy: Lynsey Addario
14 September 2010

Rising uncertainty in Sri Lanka

After winning a decades-long war in 2009, President Mahinda Rajpakse leveraged his popularity to assume greater powers for himself by amending the Constitution, making him virtually leader-for-life. Could this lead to one-party rule? And what will this mean for Sri Lanka and its Tamil minority?

truth kashmir Courtesy: isa_adsr/Flickr
6 September 2010

Kashmir: The inconvenient truth

Today, Kashmir is very much part of the cauldron that is "Af-Pak", the storm that is raging across the Pashtun belt in Pakistan and Afghanistan. As in Af-Pak, the base for the jihad that is being waged in Kashmir mainly comprises a small fringe of a single community – the Valley Sunnis.