Modi at G20 Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs/GoI
26 December 2014

India’s foreign policy reimagined

The style and substance of the foreign policies of Narendra Modi’s six-month-old government have been remarkably different from those of his predecessors. Gateway House examines the changes in India’s equations with three critical countries—the US, China and Pakistan—and outlines a foreign policy forecast for 2015

IS_2 Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
19 December 2014

2014: brutality intensified

This year has seen a disturbing increase in brutal violence by terrorist groups across the world—the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria and the Tehreek-e-Taliban in Pakistan. With non-traditional terror targets like Belgium, Canada and Australia also being attacked this year, 2015 could see a more lethal spread of jihadist terror

Modi with Sharif_SAARC Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
1 December 2014

Can SAARC succeed despite itself?

The recent SAARC Summit was once again derailed by India-Pakistan dissonances. Is it time for India to look beyond this collective? Or are there ways to overcome the distrust and address border issues, build institutions to implement common goals, and create an economic union of confident democracies?

26-11pic Courtesy:
26 November 2014

26/11: legal options

On 26 November 2008, Mumbai witnessed a horrific terror attack carried out by 10 young Pakistani men, killing 166 people and injuring over 300. The attack incited condemnation from countries around the world, and gave rise to several citizens’ movements in India. The attack also highlighted the complexities of the international law machinery in combating terrorism

burdwanblast_6 Courtesy: wikimedia
25 November 2014

Combating terror financing through SAARC

Despite an early regional consensus on counter-terror, SAARC’s record in tackling terrorism remains dismal. With the widening network of terrorist groups in the subcontinent, it is imperative that India takes the lead in forging substantial counter-terrorism cooperation, particularly on the issue of financing

SAARC Courtesy:
21 November 2014

Will SAARC embark on a new path?

The 18th SAARC Summit in Kathmandu next week is an opportunity for member countries to start shaking off the shackles of distrust. Instead, SAARC must robustly move forward on such issues as regional connectivity, SAFTA, climate change, and security—and India can be the prime mover in building this renewed cooperation

SAARCsummit1 Courtesy: Wikimedia commons
21 November 2014

A primer on SAARC

The 18th SAARC Summit will cover a wide range of issues, including connectivity, climate change, and SAFTA. A number of similar issues were discussed at the last summit—what’s been the progress since then? Given its constraints, does the association have a future? Gateway House asks and answers five questions on SAARC

Yal Railway Line Courtesy:
17 October 2014

India’s imperatives in Sri Lanka

India has tried to address the concerns of Sri Lankan Tamils through projects such as the recently-inaugurated railway between Jaffna and Colombo. But their aspirations for autonomy in the North and East remain unfulfilled, and New Delhi faces a dilemma—pushing Colombo on political issues can drive it closer to Beijing