FuIkSegXwAA1PDo Courtesy: Twitter / Hindustan Times
20 April 2023

A Buddhist quest for global peace

The first Global Buddhist Summit is being held in New Delhi this week, a continuation of India's strategic and diplomatic outreach to Buddhist countries in Asia. The Summit offers India an opportunity to deepen the dialogue on its shared, millennia-old transnational Buddhist legacy with these countries, and arrive at contemporary solutions for global conflicts using the lens of Buddha Dhamma.

carousel-ocean-indian Courtesy: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
2 March 2023

Perceptions of Africa’s Role in the Western Indo-Pacific: An Indian Perspective

The Indo-Pacific is viewed by powers within and outside the region as both a strategy and policy to interpret the changing geopolitical dynamics in Asia and beyond. But the question of its geographical and geopolitical definition has varied. Opinions among governments and academics have traditionally differed, but over the years, a viable consensus for a wider definition of the concept seems to have emerged.

task force cover 420 Courtesy: Gateway House
16 February 2023

G20 Energy Transitions and Climate Finance Task Force Report

Significant progress has been made globally in adopting green energy. Technological advances, easier availability of capital and regulatory measures have helped. But progress is likely to slow due to the shocks caused by Covid-19 and the Ukraine crisis. How to continue the green transition whilst ensuring that lower-income countries have access to affordable energy? This Task Force offers recommendations for India’s G20 Presidency.

indian port Courtesy: Reuters
9 February 2023

Trading more within Asia makes economic sense

The International Monetary Fund’s recent warning of a slowing global trade comes as a sign for South Asia to reassess its regional trade within the continent. India, in its year of G20 Presidency and as South Asia’s largest economy, can use its platform to lead the way via dialogue, capacity building, and regulatory policies to encourage open regionalism in Asia.

myanmar military 1 Courtesy: Reuters
2 February 2023

The quest for hope in Myanmar

February 1, 2023 marks the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar. The country is now in a dire situation with a deteriorating economy, rising poverty and high unemployment. ASEAN, the UN and India continue to work with the Myanmarese military leadership, which is the only player able to provide solutions to alleviate the distress.

GH in the G20 & T20 Courtesy: Gateway House
16 December 2022

Gateway House in G20 & T20

Gateway House is the only institution in India that has hosted official and independent meetings under the annual G20 process since 2015. In October 2022, Gateway House initiated an independent G20 Task Force on Energy Transitions and Climate Finance, the first task force of India's G20 Presidency of 2023. In this compendium of reports, Gateway House assesses and includes its engagement with this influential multilateral through task forces, research and meetings of the last nine G20 Presidencies.

Elon Musk Courtesy: Reuters
8 December 2022

Cautious optimism at the B20 at Bali

The author participated in the B20 Summit in Bali and saw in it a reflection of Indonesia’s culture and hospitality, but also its attraction for investors despite geopolitical stresses. Indian business can take a cue from Indonesia, and use India’s B20 engagement to push for ease of doing business and improved quality of life indicators – an additional condition for India’s G20 Presidency’s success.

Indonesia Trade Courtesy: Shutterstock//Creativa Images
26 September 2022

Trade ties support Indonesia’s G20 year

Indonesia has managed its G20 Presidency year by understanding the importance of not going it alone. This trading nation has used its deep regional and multilateral cooperative processes which provided trusted back-up and support at every step, and was book-ended by strong linkages and investment partnerships with Japan and Australia. In this, it has laid the groundwork for India’s 2023 presidency.

T20 Brochure 11 Img Courtesy: T20 Indonesia
22 September 2022

T20 Task Force Notes on Open Trade, Sustainable Investment and Industry

G20 President Indonesia, hosted the Think-20 (T20) Summit in Bali 4-6 September. The recommendations of the working groups resonate in the Leaders’ Statement released at the G20 Leaders’ Summit. The T20 Task Force on Open Trade, Sustainable Investment and Industry published its notes on multilateral trade reform, digital trade, health. Yose Rizal Damuri of CSIS, is the Lead Co-Chair of this Task Force.