Latin-America-gaza Courtesy:
5 August 2014

Latin America takes a stand

The sharp Latin American response to the Israeli bombings in Gaza, on the back of solid support from the U.S., is attributable to the memory of the atrocities committed by past Latin American military dictators with similar U.S. backing. Their strong response is also a sign of the increasingly independent and assertive Latin American voice on the global stage

afghan elections Courtesy: Wikimedia\commons
5 August 2014

Afghanistan: who blinks first?

Squabbling over Afghan election results still continues but the collapse of the process has been averted for now. More than 700 international election observers are in Kabul ready to conduct the 100% audit of the Afghan runoff election. India has always supported a peaceful transition but the situation in Kabul remains as unpredictable as ever

israel Courtesy: Natan Flayer
5 August 2014

Tracing the course of India-Israel ties

There has been strong criticism of the Modi government’s tepid response towards Israel’s offensive in Gaza, with many insinuating religious reasons. However the reality is that India’s engagement with Israel has grown substantially since the two countries established full diplomatic relations in 1992.

west asia Courtesy:
27 June 2014

Will ISIS redraw the West Asia map?

The rise of the militant ISIS will alter the stability and future of all West Asian countries, and can impact India in multiple ways. India must re-evaluate its West Asia policy, and address the safety of its nationals in Iraq, the security of its oil supplies, and the fallout on South Asia of this resurgence of strife

Kurdish struggle Courtesy:
27 June 2014

The Kurds: a historic opportunity?

Recent geopolitical shifts has given birth to the very real possibility of a fractured Iraq. The on-going civil war in Syria and an unstable Iraq has renewed the call for a Kurdish nationhood. Although presented with a historic opportunity, rebel factions and authoritarian governments still present a hurdle to the quest for an autonomous Kurdish region

Assad rally Courtesy: al Riyadh
13 June 2014

Assad: baptism by a brutal ballot

Basher Assad has been voted to power in Syria in an election which is widely regarded as lacking legitimacy. This will be Assad’s third term in office and his victory is an indication of the control he continues to wield despite growing western backing of opposition groups