Reversal of Globalisation2 Courtesy: Systemic Alternatives
8 February 2017

Is globalisation in reverse?

The contours of globalisation are being reshaped. The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump mark a strong anti-globalisation sentiment even as leaders in China, India and Russia successfully marry nationalist rhetoric with a cleverly crafted overseas strategy, premised on the very tenets of globalisation. There seems to be a ‘pause’ in the unbalanced progress of globalisation of the last three decades—and this could have many positive outcomes

GH_5050-3-page-001 (1) Courtesy: Gateway House
22 December 2016

The year of the close vote: a 50:50 world

The year 2016 is the year of the divided electorate, so close were some of the election outcomes. Deep divisions lurk within voters coming from ostensibly “liberal” political cultures. The trend looks set to continue in the elections that will be fought in dozens of countries in 2017, where the votes could also be divided. Gateway House analyses these results through this infographic

GH_Demonetisation_Web-724x1024 Courtesy: Gateway House
24 November 2016

Demonetisation around the world

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement on November 8 to demonetise notes of the denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 has a precedent. This infographic traces some interesting demonetisation initiatives around the world. From discontinuation of high denomination notes due to lack of circulation, to the use of beer and water as 'real assets' in place of hyper-inflated currency.

Tokat_darbe_karşıtları Courtesy: Wikipedia
27 July 2016

The beginning of the end for Erdogan

The attempted coup on July 15 in Turkey as well as its aftermath have irreparably dented President Erdogan’s international image and impacted Turkey's standing as a democratic state, a military power, a NATO member, an EU aspirant, and an emerging economy. This downtrend is unlikely to be reversed in the near future and the country is in for an extended period of instability

NATO Courtesy: NATO/Flickr
21 July 2016

Brexit, NATO, EU: emerging dichotomies

In the aftermath of Brexit, the recently concluded NATO Summit highlighted the emerging asymmetry between NATO and the EU on their respective policy positions towards Russia. Has the expansion of NATO and the EU to absorb Eastern Europe, and the consequent large migration flows, been responsible for the visible cracks within the Europe?

1023-modi-cameron-mea Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
30 June 2016

The dislocations of Brexit: can India gain?

The result of the Brexit referendum is nothing less than a body blow to Bretton Woods organisations, International Monetary Fund-North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)-World Bank, that originated at the end of the Second World War. The possibility of an Asian century becomes more feasible, if India can be nimble enough to make the most of the opportunity which has presented itself in Europe.

washington-2010 Courtesy:
29 March 2016

Developing global nuclear security

Once the fourth and final global Nuclear Security Summit is held this week in Washington, D.C., the challenge will primarily be for bureaucrats to continue working and keep leaders engaged on nuclear security. Inertia on this issue, especially when there is growing intelligence on security breaches, could be deadly.

Azaz,_Syria Courtesy: Wikipedia
9 March 2016

India and the Syrian quagmire

With a cessation of hostilities been brokered by Russia and the United States, the conflict in Syria has entered a tense pause. India has had a bystander attitude to the conflict in Syria. However, with the truce expected to be short, does India have the incentive or the option to depart from its current position, and deepen its engagement in Syria?

CyberAttacks_Samir Courtesy: Christiaan Colen / Flickr
18 February 2016

Geopolitical rivalries in cyberspace

The recent cyber attack on Ukraine’s power grids is indicative of the cyber space becoming the most useful tool for perpetuating geopolitical rivalries. Many countries are rapidly expanding their offensive cyber capabilities, and it appears the militarisation of cyber space is complete.