czech republic Courtesy: Bentley Smith/Flickr
25 November 2013

Landmark election for the Czech Republic

The recent elections in the Czech Republic resulted in no party winning a majority. However, two newly-formed parties have been elected to the lower house. As the parties try to form coalitions, Ambassador Jaromir Novotný blogs about the voting pattern and the significance of this election for the country

obama putin pete souza Courtesy: Pete Souza/WikimediaCommons
16 September 2013

Badi Soch: Putin’s Weapon of Mass Diplomacy

This daily column includes Gateway House’s Badi Soch – big thought – of the day’s foreign policy events. This Badi Soch analyses the open letter in The New York Times from Russian President Vladimir Putin to American citizens, arguing against a military strike in Syria.

BRICS Summit Courtesy: Blog do Planalto
12 July 2013

A clarion call to study BRICS

The launch of the BRICS Universities League in Shanghai is an important effort for the five nations to understand each other and define their place in global governance

Badi Soch: Is the U.S.-EU free trade plan a threat to India and China?
19 June 2013

Badi Soch: Is the U.S.-EU free trade plan a threat to India and China?

This daily column includes Gateway House’s Badi Soch – big thought – of the day’s foreign policy events. Today’s focus is on the negotiations for a free trade agreement between the E.U. and the U.S.

Commentary: A BRICS bank for the South
30 March 2013

Commentary: A BRICS bank for the South

In 1990, the erstwhile South Commission recommended the creation of a 'South Bank' to aid the economic emancipation of the global South. Can the BRICS bank, which was discussed in length at the 5th BRICS Summit, provide a solution to the problems of the crisis-ridden African continent? Devaki Jain blogs