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22 May 2018

Modi’s Informal Meeting with Putin

Gateway House co-founder and Director, Ambassador Neelam Deo, was on BloombergQuint along with Former Indian Foreign Secretary, Mr. Salman Haidar, to discuss the Modi-Putin informal summit in Sochi today. Watch the clip below (starts at 35:23 or here on YouTube):

S400 Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
3 May 2018

Indian defence: collateral damage of Russia sanctions

American sanctions on Russian defence companies may end up hurting an innocent bystander: India's defence sector. In particular, they could threaten Indian military procurement, and also may complicate India’s attempts to produce more of its own defence hardware. India needs to study the issue closely to prepare for what may come

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25 January 2018

South Africa leads BRICS, IORA in 2018

Internal political constraints dog it currently, but if overcome, South Africa can be a good chairman to BRICS and IORA in 2018. It also has a tough balancing act to perform between two great Asian powers, China and India

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6 December 2017

Deterring the hybrid threat

From 26-28 September, Brussels-based think tank, Friends of Europe organised an online brainstorming on global security issues called Debating Security Plus 2017. As part of this, Gateway House moderated the discussion on hybrid and asymmetric warfare. Below is the summary of that discussion, from the final report of the Debating Security Plus.

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9 November 2017

Saudi purge: Arab Spring 2.0?

The removal of 11 top ministers in the Riyadh government last week by the young crown prince Mohammad bin Salman, is a geopolitical upheaval, the implications are serious. Domestically, the kingdom is seeking to liberalise its conservative society and move away from oil-dependency – evident from the expected listing of its crown jewel Aramco. For India, which imports oil largely from West Asia, instability could cause a spike in prices, leaving less for its ambitious reforms. Globally, there is now space for new alignments – in the Great Power plays, in the Shia-Sunni rivalry, and in the war on terrorism.