rfi bjorn Courtesy:
26 September 2024

Germany sees anxious change

Recent state elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia in east Germany saw the far-right Alternative for Democracy (AfD) and the left-wing Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) make significant gains in vote share. With German federal elections just a year away, major parties like the ruling CDU and SPD which have seen voter support erode considerably, will now have to re-strategise to stay relevant in Germany’s transforming political landscape.

3d25bf28-0a5a-4e50-ad23-96c8659aca34 Courtesy: Bayerischer Rundfunk
16 May 2024


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation turns 75 this year. It has exceeded its original mandate of a collective defence for Europe and is expanding rapidly. From restraining the rise of Russia, it is now seeking non-NATO allies in Asia who wish to restrain China. This requires a nimbler, more dynamic alliance. Can NATO respond to the transformation?

Photo 1 Courtesy: Suresh Mehta and 'Fragrant Folios: The Palanpur Story' by Jitendra C. Mehta and Amrit Gangar.
9 May 2024

A century of Bombay-Antwerp diamond trade

In Antwerp's global diamond exchanges that trade in rough and polished stones, the Gujarati-speaking Palanpuri Jain merchants are known as intrepid businessmen with a reputation for keeping their word. These traits has enabled them to live and work amongst Hassidic Jewish diamantaires and cutters-polishers who dominated this market. They carved a niche for themselves in small diamonds. Bombay played a key role in their success.

Chavda Pod Courtesy: Abhijit Chavda Podcast
11 April 2024

West must listen to emerging middle powers

Emerging middle powers like India, Brazil and South Africa are articulating their interests on the global stage with growing assertiveness. Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House, joins Abhijit Chavda on his eponymous podcast to discuss changing dynamics between the West and the Global South, and how western and emerging middle powers can collaborate on shared priorities like multilateral reform, technology transfer and international trade.

Germany no pickandchoose Courtesy: Sputnik News
21 March 2024

Power brings responsibility

Germany wants to find common ground in a multi-aligned world. For such a world to thrive, actors of consequence must take responsibility for shaping and protecting a free international order that is reliable, yet dynamic, for the benefit of all. When it comes to the global commons, there can be no pick-and-choose approach to foreign policy.

OladXModi Courtesy: Getty Images
21 March 2024

Still not weatherproof

Germany is India's largest trade and economic partner in the EU, but the relationship with France is a class apart, given its strength in military aviation and willingness to be a differentiated member of the West. Must this remain so? If Germany and the EU would be more understanding of India’s democracy and its role in upholding a rules-based order, their relations would be greatly improved.

Report Photo Courtesy: Körber-Stiftung
18 March 2024

Listening Beyond the Echo Chamber: Emerging Middle Powers Report

Divergent global reactions to major crises such as those sparked by the war in Ukraine and NATO’s Afghanistan withdrawal have widened the chasm between Western countries and emerging middle powers. This survey, conducted among nearly 1,000 experts from India, Brazil, South Africa and Germany, examines key foreign policy priorities in these countries, and reveals that despite differences, dialogue is possible.

China Germany Courtesy: Deutsche Welle (DW)
20 July 2023

Germany’s new China strategy

On July 13, the German cabinet approved its Strategy on China after nearly two years of internal discussions. The new strategy simultaneously views China as a “partner, competitor, and systemic rival”, calling for de-risking German economic dependence on China, while also expanding cooperation with other countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

GH in the G20 & T20 Courtesy: Gateway House
16 December 2022

Gateway House in G20 & T20

Gateway House is the only institution in India that has hosted official and independent meetings under the annual G20 process since 2015. In October 2022, Gateway House initiated an independent G20 Task Force on Energy Transitions and Climate Finance, the first task force of India's G20 Presidency of 2023. In this compendium of reports, Gateway House assesses and includes its engagement with this influential multilateral through task forces, research and meetings of the last nine G20 Presidencies.

e49ca4a6affa0dbd5a25689d46f05e7b Courtesy: India Blooms
15 December 2022

The German Global Zeitenwende and India

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's essay on Zeitenwende emphasises a strong Germany as a guarantor of European security. It has attracted global attention - but has virtually no mention of India. In parallel, however, the visit of Foreign Minister Annalenna Baerbock reinforced Germany's interest in India, and suggested an upgrade to the bilateral. It is necessary, if India is to seek expanded economic ties with Berlin.