uni syd Courtesy:
16 May 2024

Setback for international students in Australia

The burgeoning of international students in Australian private and state universities are a source of consternation and contention for Canberra. Though student visas are misused, specific skilled migrants are still needed, and the fees paid by these students fund essential university research. Regulators are clamping down hard, but once again, students will bear the brunt.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks during a news conference in Brussels on July 15, 2020, after a virtual summit with the Indian Prime Minister. (Photo by YVES HERMAN / POOL / AFP) (Photo by YVES HERMAN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) Courtesy: CSIS
9 November 2023

Europe’s Challenges in the Indo-Pacific

Europe's increased focus on the Indo-Pacific and the deepening economic and technological collaboration with India offer mutual benefits. However, the EU's ambivalent approach towards China, and the desire of most European states to maintain neutrality in the U.S.-China rivalry might not be sustainable in the long run.

carousel-ocean-indian Courtesy: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
2 March 2023

Perceptions of Africa’s Role in the Western Indo-Pacific: An Indian Perspective

The Indo-Pacific is viewed by powers within and outside the region as both a strategy and policy to interpret the changing geopolitical dynamics in Asia and beyond. But the question of its geographical and geopolitical definition has varied. Opinions among governments and academics have traditionally differed, but over the years, a viable consensus for a wider definition of the concept seems to have emerged.

canada Courtesy: Dr. S. Jaishankar /Twitter
23 February 2023

Better India-Canada ties can help contain China

Canada is committed to playing a larger role in the Indo-Pacific and has adopted a pragmatic approach to achieving its five objectives. These are promoting peace and security; expanding trade; connecting people; building a sustainable and green future; with Canada serving as an active partner in the Indo-Pacific. India will do well to understand Canada's compulsions and work with it with enthusiasm.

quad article Courtesy: The Diplomat
18 February 2023

Is the Quad Decoupling from China?

The Ukraine crisis transferred global anxiety away from China and onto Russia. But this has not happened in the Indo-Pacific, where the Quad countries have followed a policy of economic disengagement from China, in the backdrop of the COVID pandemic and the regeneration of some economies. How the Quad managed this, is a worthwhile assessment.

Indonesia Trade Courtesy: Shutterstock//Creativa Images
26 September 2022

Trade ties support Indonesia’s G20 year

Indonesia has managed its G20 Presidency year by understanding the importance of not going it alone. This trading nation has used its deep regional and multilateral cooperative processes which provided trusted back-up and support at every step, and was book-ended by strong linkages and investment partnerships with Japan and Australia. In this, it has laid the groundwork for India’s 2023 presidency.

FTA India Courtesy: Economic Times
21 September 2022

Gains from India’s new FTAs

India is stepping into a new era of free trade agreements in the midst of turbulent global waters that bring both risks and opportunities. A fragile global recovery can dampen demand for India’s goods, but it can also attract medium and high-tech manufacturing sectors leaving China, benefit from technology and skill transfer from abroad and lay a strong foundation for growth.

1984F5F8-939B-4A8C-9F74-2C80D3D60F66 Courtesy: TIME Magazine
30 May 2022

The Quad deepens strategic commitment

After its fourth summit on May 24, the Quad has emerged stronger and clearer in its initiatives which are aimed at addressing the Indo-Pacific’s geopolitical challenges. India now has a chance to work with like-minded democracies on an equal footing, with much to contribute. The Quad’s strategy for the Indo-Pacific is to deepen internalised cooperation for continued peace, prosperity, and stability.

1D8120D2-1A4E-4358-BD1F-E8EFB4D9F40C Courtesy: Twitter- Narendra Modi
23 May 2022

The credibility challenge for Quad

A serious stocktaking is expected at the Quad Leaders' Summit in Tokyo, to measure the progress of its wide-ranging list and proposals. In addition to vaccine partnerships, climate change, and connectivity, the Quad must now craft a common strategy for and expedite cooperation in, the economy, higher education, industry, and technology. It will also project unity in the Indo-Pacific region.