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27 April 2018

India’s Iran Conundrum

“It will be the jump in crude prices that will trouble India more,” said Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy & Environment Studies, Gateway House, to Rakesh Sharma at Energy Intelligence, elucidating upon the possible implications for India if the Iran Deal Read more

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25 April 2018

AJC Hosts Ambassador Deo for Speaker Series

Ambassador Neelam Deo spoke at AJC’s Philadelphia/Southern New Jersey chapter on the topic of India-Israel and U.S.-Israel relations, which was mentioned in the Jewish Exponent. While the article is inaccessible outside of the United States digital space, a screenshot is included Read more

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7 January 2018

The unchanged U.S.-Pakistan dynamic

Logistical support for this mission, movement of heavy equipment, fuel and other supplies, needs connectivity via Pakistan.

admin-ajax Courtesy: Debating Security Plus
6 December 2017

Deterring the hybrid threat

From 26-28 September, Brussels-based think tank, Friends of Europe organised an online brainstorming on global security issues called Debating Security Plus 2017. As part of this, Gateway House moderated the discussion on hybrid and asymmetric warfare. Below is the summary of that discussion, from the final report of the Debating Security Plus.