rupee renminbi flickr Courtesy: Flickr/CreativeCommons
17 May 2013

India-China: Enhancing Economic Synergies

In the coming decade, India and China are set to achieve a historic $100 billion bilateral trade volume. But India’s concerns over growing trade imbalances and market access need to be addressed so that the two neighbouring economies can forge a more sustainable and mutually beneficial partnership

li keqian friendsofeurope Courtesy: friendsofeurope/flickr
17 May 2013

China’s India necessity

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to India is likely to include an empty shopping basket of opportunities that keep domestic Chinese consumers content. Mr. Li should encourage Indian companies to fill that Chinese consumer need, and additional concessions may, if handled correctly by India, be sought as a result.

dhasa protest Wen Courtesy: Wen-Yan King/Flickr
17 May 2013

Great wall of Tibet

India should recognise the importance of Tibetans for India’s security. Security in the Himalayan borderlands does not come only from only a military build-up in which India cannot surpass China, or new border infrastructure, but also from the pro-India sentiments of its inhabitants.