Chinese Investments In India Cover final-2020 - Copy Courtesy: Gateway House
27 February 2020

India in the virtual Belt and Road

Over the last five years, China has quietly created a significant place for itself in India – in the technology domain. While India has refused to sign on to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), this map shows India's positioning in the virtual BRI to be strategically invaluable for China. Nearly $4 billion in venture investments in start-ups, the online ecosystem and apps have been made by Chinese entities. This is just the beginning; there is much more to come.

Policy Perspectives
Sanctions_CoverFinal (1) Courtesy: Gateway House
4 September 2018

U.S. sanctions on Russia and its impact on India

America is increasingly using sanctions as a geopolitical tool against its rivals, Russia, Iran and Venezuela. These countries are important partners for India, which needs to find ways around unilateral American sanctions.

Gateway House's research on Chinese investments in India's Neighbourhood. Researched by Amit Bhandari and Chandni Jindal. Courtesy: Gateway House
12 March 2018

Chinese Investments in India’s Neighbourhood

India and the world have watched China’s growing investment in Asia and beyond with a mix of awe and apprehension. The unprecedented scale of these investments are reshaping political arrangements around South Asia.

Kerry in Pakistan Courtesy: US Embassy in Pakistan
25 June 2015

Beguiling Americans: a guide for Indian diplomats

Pakistan continues to receive succour from its long-time ally, the U.S., despite blundering about in its neighbourhood unabashedly- be it through righteous indignation or through generous courtesies. The external affairs ministry needs to improve its approach towards U.S. officials who are visiting India in order to better its relation with the country.

Policy Perspectives
Tejas 2 Courtesy: Wikipedia
12 May 2015

Defence and India’s private sector

Rapidly evolving security threats in India's neighbourhood and a number of accidents means it is critical for India to invest in the modernisation as well as the indigenisation of India's rapidly obsolescing defence equipment. This policy perspective provides recommendations on what role Indian private sector can play in the modernisation of India's defence sector

Policy Perspectives
India-Africa Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
9 January 2015

Indian banks in Africa: change agents

India’s engagement with Africa currently is trapped in a discourse from another era. With a change in governance structures and demographics, African countries are keen to elevate the level of trade and investment ties. India is in an advantageous position due to historical linkages but China and the U.S. are already ahead in the game

mia-main Courtesy: wikimediacommons
31 October 2014

State-to-state diplomacy

After a brief a spell of bonhomie marked by Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif attending Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony, the hostilities between the two countries have resumed. Amidst the backdrop of increased tensions on the LoC, Gateway House recommends some small, realistic steps forward through state-to-state diplomacy, to mend the bilateral