Capture Courtesy: Debating Security Plus
16 October 2018

Countering Hybrid Threats in the Cyber Age

From 19-20 June, Brussels-based think tank, Friends of Europe organised an online brainstorming on global security issues called Debating Security Plus 2018. As part of this, Gateway House co-moderated the discussion on hybrid and asymmetric warfare. Below is the summary of that discussion, from the final report of the Debating Security Plus.

admin-ajax Courtesy: Debating Security Plus
6 December 2017

Deterring the hybrid threat

From 26-28 September, Brussels-based think tank, Friends of Europe organised an online brainstorming on global security issues called Debating Security Plus 2017. As part of this, Gateway House moderated the discussion on hybrid and asymmetric warfare. Below is the summary of that discussion, from the final report of the Debating Security Plus.

3W7A1029 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 February 2017

GOIGD 2017: Inaugural Keynote I by Yves Leterme

His Excellency Yves Leterme, Former Prime Minister of Belgium, Secretary General, International IDEA delivered the Inaugural Keynote I on Europe at the Crossroads at 2017 T20 Mumbai meeting hosted by Gateway House on 13 February. Leterme's speech effectively explains the changing politics of global capital with the rise of new economies with respect to Europe and it's position in the world today.