TTIP Courtesy: openDemocracy / Flickr
8 September 2015

India’s lurking TTIP challenge

If the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership moves ahead after further negotiations were held in July, Indian exporters could be disadvantaged. Instead, India must be ready to use the further opening up of huge markets across the Atlantic, and adopt trade policies that mix regionalism and multilateralism.

Military_truck_carrying_IRBMs_of_Pakistani_Army Courtesy: Wikipedia
3 September 2015

U.S.-Pakistan: A new nuke normal

A report by the Carnegie Endowment and the Stimson Center attempts to recognise Pakistan’s nuclear programme as ‘normal’ and India’s as not. However, with dangerous new additions to Islamabad’s arsenal, a throwback to simplistic US rationalisations still won’t bring Pakistan into the non-proliferation mainstream.

so15_cover_high_res Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
25 August 2015

An Unworthy Ally

Despite the unwavering support for their South Asian ally for more than 20 years, it time for the United States to bid farewell to Pakistan.

Mortar_attack_on_Shigal_Tarna_garrison,_Kunar_Province,_87 Courtesy: Erwin Franzen/Wikimedia
14 August 2015

Pakistan’s House of Cards

The August attack in Kabul and the now public disclosure of the death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar has caused Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to shift in outlook towards Pakistan. The "Pakistan-led" peace process is now tumbling like a house of cards backed implicitly by the United States.

Trump and Hillary dominate the debate
10 August 2015

Trump and Hillary dominate the debate

In the first Republican debate of the the 2016 elections Donald Trump stood out as the biggest winner. However, the lack of any outstanding Republican candidate means Democrat Hillary is the real winner

Tech startups Courtesy: John Fischer/Flickr
6 August 2015

An agenda for Modi in Silicon Valley

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's outreach to the influential Indian diaspora in Silicon Valley in September should be centered on creating an Indian ecosystem for tech start-ups

India-U.S. in numbers
5 August 2015

India-U.S. in numbers

The U.S. and India share a long-standing relationship. These facts and figures highlights the complexities as well as the potential of the relationship

Zarif-Kerry Courtesy: Wikipedia
17 July 2015

Iran sanctions: journey’s end

A journey which began in Istanbul in 2012 ended in triumph in Vienna in July 2014, as the P5+1 countries and Iran announced a Joint Plan of Comprehensive action that would see Iran free of all economic sanctions while upholding the right to a civil nuclear programme. While this journey, fraught with challenges, technically is over, the ratification battle in the U.S. congress commences now