China NPC Courtesy: South China Morning Post
22 April 2024

Two Sessions of China 2024

The recently-concluded National People’s Congress or Two Sessions in Beijing didn’t surprise much. But a thorough analysis reveals departures from the past – not holding a press interaction after the meeting, and further consolidation of domestic power by the Communist Party of China. Of note to India is the delinking of China’s defence budget from the country’s rate of growth – meaning freedom to enhance its military’s capability.

Indo-pac regaining salience Courtesy: CGTN
18 April 2024

Indo-Pacific’s shifting seas

China’s hostile actions in the East and South China Seas have led to a deepening of naval partnerships within the Indo-Pacific such as the U.S., Japan, Philippines, Australia and South Korea. As crises in West Asia escalate and the strategic contest between the U.S. and China hardens in the Pacific Ocean, India – placed strategically in the Indo-Pacific – can’t neglect either the west nor east.

Balochistan Violence Courtesy: The Hindu
18 April 2024

Spiraling violence in Balochistan

Long treated by Pakistan as a colony, Balochistan has seen several high-profile attacks by locals against Chinese interests. The growing unrest in the region reflects Islamabad’s failure to address key development issues. With less than 10% of this year’s federal budget earmarked for development, it appears that the only means of quelling the violence is more repression.

Myanmar needs outside help Courtesy: The Indian Express
11 April 2024

Myanmar needs outside help

Over three years of civil war in Myanmar, and there is no end in sight. The country’s stakeholders are unable to de-escalate the conflict or reliably distribute aid to those affected. Friends, including India, must step in — not only to stop the fighting and alleviate the suffering, but to help facilitate a return to normalcy.

future for a rules-based order Courtesy: The United Nations
11 April 2024

A future for the rules-based order

The international rules-based order is being looked at critically by several countries, especially in the developing world. Many view it as embedding an entrenched bias in favour of the West, which wrote the rules, and with no room to accommodate the innovative ideas of emerging economies. Of late, these developing countries are increasingly the catalysts for change.

Myanmar TPS Courtesy: Reuters
4 April 2024

U.S.’ Temporary Protected Status for Myanmar

In March, the U.S. announced an extension of Myanmar’s Temporary Protected Status (TPS), in light of the deteriorating situation. TPS provides legal status in the U.S., as an alternative to refugee status, to all nationals of a designated country fleeing instability. TPS shares similarities and key differences with refugee status, which are worth understanding in order to build strong protective legal framework for forcibly displaced communities.

AI_G20 Courtesy: European Parliament
14 March 2024

A public G20 inclusive AI platform

Artificial Intelligence is a transformative technology offering developmental opportunities for marginalised communities across developing and emerging countries. However, the costs of AI access through private platforms are becoming exclusionary, negating these opportunities. It is critical to make the advantages of AI available to all. The G20 nations can invest in open source technology and create an AI Stack similar to the India Stack, for public benefit.

MauricioPiece2 Courtesy: India Today
29 February 2024

Middle East demands new frontiers of diplomacy

Just as September 11, 2001 unfolded a new chapter of the world order, as December 17, 2010 awakened the "Arab Spring," so October 7, 2023, has become a date that has unforgettably changed the Middle East's foreign policy and geopolitical dynamics. The existential paradigm of Israel and Palestine has adopted a war axis without turning back but has necessitated reevaluating diplomacy and recalibrating priorities.

Ameen Sayani Obit Courtesy: India Today
22 February 2024

Obituary: Ameen Sayani (1932-2024)

Ameen Sayani was India’s most favourite and recognised voice on the radio. He upturned post-Partition Indian bureaucratic orthodoxy with his shows on Hindi film songs, delighting his listeners for decades. His was also a mission in nation-building. To Gateway House, he was a fellow traveller, friend and loved neighbour.

GSI Cover IMage Courtesy: Global Times
22 February 2024

China’s many initiatives for dominance

China’s world vision has entered its next phase. After the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), come the Global Initiative on Data Security (GIDS) so Chinese tech standards can lead, Global Development Initiative (GDI) so China leads the development dialogue, and Global Security Initiative (GSI), so China’s security is ‘indivisible’ from other countries – all in time for China’s 2049 goal of becoming a global power.