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31 August 2023

India’s rising star in contested space

The Chandrayaan’s successful landing on the lunar south pole gives India some momentum to think ‘astro-strategically’ about space – independently and with its partners. Science and national prestige alone aren’t the only factors driving human space endeavors. Commercial gain, and intense military contestation are likely to be a feature in future decades.

BRICS 2 website Courtesy: Fox News
31 August 2023

BRICS-XI, the new configuration

The decision to invite six countries — Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE — to join BRICS as full members has opened the grouping to a new geopolitical era. India can now play a seminal but challenging role in this evolved dynamic, given its growing cooperation with the West on the one hand and its active pursuit of the interests of the Global South on the other.

BRICS India website Courtesy:
24 August 2023

The BRICS Imperative

The BRICS Summit in Johannesburg has drawn international attention to the grouping’s past record of achievements and failures, its strained internal dynamics, and new challenges. As BRICS heads into its 18th year, its success and way forward will depend on the members’ ability to tackle the principal challenge of retaining its internal solidarity while balancing expansion and its impact and influence in the world.

Indian-AI website Courtesy:
24 August 2023

India’s AI Future

The disruptive impact of Generative AI models like ChatGPT and Copilot will be felt across information-processing sectors including customer service, research and blue-collar jobs. India must develop a comprehensive national AI strategy that connects stakeholders to provide a roadmap for responsible AI deployment and increase funding for AI research.

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17 August 2023

BRICS Summit: Redefining international cooperation

The 15th BRICS summit is set to take place on August 22-24 in Johannesburg. Against a backdrop of escalating global tensions, the summit's agenda encompasses crucial topics including greater representation of the Global South, reform of MDBs, and geopolitical flashpoints like the Ukraine crisis. The summit's outcomes will extend beyond the grouping and redefine the landscape of international cooperation among emerging economies.

Morosini website Courtesy: EDR Magazine
17 August 2023

Connecting Italy’s Mediterranean and India’s Ocean

The Italian Navy sees in its multicultural "Mediterranean" nature, a similarity with the Indian Ocean as a connecting fabric that has enabled civilizations to flourish and prosper through the centuries. The shared concerns and cooperation between the Italian and Indian navies, now renewed, can bring prosperity with contemporary connectivity.

Website Podcast Courtesy: The Print
11 August 2023

China slips into deflation

The Chinese economy has slipped into deflation, partly due to the growing mistrust of foreign investors and the government's strategy of over-management and micromanagement. In an episode of Forbes India’s ToThePoint, Amit Bhandari, Senior Fellow, Energy, Connectivity and Investment, Gateway House discusses the impact of this slowdown on the global economy, while highlighting key takeaways for India, which aims to be a manufacturing hub.

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10 August 2023

Bombay’s historic ties to Zanzibar

On a recent visit to Tanzania, India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar announced the establishment of the first overseas campus of the premier Indian Institute of Technology Madras on its islands of Zanzibar in Africa. The choice of Zanzibar is significant: 180 years ago, it was the very first interface between Indian merchants and the East African mainland.

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10 August 2023

Firing India-U.S. partnership on all engines

PM Modi’s State visit to the U.S. was marked by over a hundred agreements in emerging technologies, trade and investment. Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House, spoke with Atul Keshap, President, U.S.-India Business Council, on the future of the India-US bilateral and thier multilateral relationships through the Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) and the Quad.