Arial_View_Flora_Fountain_Bombay Courtesy: Wonderful Mumbai
22 June 2017

Heritage on the brand wagon

One of the conclusions drawn from a recent panel discussion, co-hosted by Gateway House and Avid Learning, on how brands are helping promote heritage conservation, moderated by Sifra Lentin, Mumbai History Fellow, was that there is an urgent need to preserve Mumbai’s natural and built heritage to meet the Maharashtra government’s target--the year 2020--for inaugurating the international financial centre at Bandra-Kurla Complex. Here is a summary of the concerns that the panellists raised

GH_Podcasts-Square-01 Courtesy:
22 June 2017

The New World Order | Episode 10, India’s role in the New World

In the Season Finale of the New World Order, we discuss the role that India can play in the new world order. With geopolitical shifts in the form of the emerging Belt and Road Initiative from China and the withdrawal of the United States from its global leadership role, India will quickly be presented with both opportunities and threats, on its journey to the New World Order.

Singapore_Lee_Kuan_Yew_78250-1880x1254 Courtesy: WTOP
22 June 2017

Singapore family feud: no impact, yet

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s siblings last week accused him of putting self-interest before good governance. Yet, his personal popularity remains untarnished. The Singaporean economy may no longer be the powerhouse it was and the country’s cost competitiveness may have declined, but the government has been working to regain its edge

INDIA ASEAN RELATIONS final Courtesy: Gateway House
21 June 2017

What Acting East has entailed

The Modi government’s shift in policy since 2014 has not been a merely semantic one: the prime minister systematically enlarged the scope of the Look East Policy to include the whole of East Asia and not just the ASEAN. He showed his keenness to enhance trade and investment ties and took a stand on key issues, such as the regional security architecture. With the geopolitical situation in a state of flux, India has to now redesign its policy to develop a multi-dimensional relationship with ASEAN and ensure peace in East Asia.