NDTV Courtesy:
10 October 2014

Modi and the U.S.-India bilateral

Nish Acharya, author of ‘The India-U.S. Partnership: $1 Trillion by 2030′, was interviewed by NDTV-24/7 on the effect of Modi's visit on the India-U.S. bilateral

cnbc bazar Courtesy:
10 October 2014

Nish Acharya on India-U.S. ties

Nish Acharya, author of ‘The India-U.S. Partnership: $1 Trillion by 2030′, was interviewed by CNBC-Bazaar on the effect of Modi's visit on the India-U.S. bilateral

BS Courtesy:
10 October 2014

Has Asean opened the floodgates to Indians?

Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geo-economics fellow, Gateway House, was quoted in the Business Standard on how the services sector is India's economic strength - it accounts for about 60 per cent of the country's GDP

tageblatt Courtesy:
10 October 2014

Gefechte zwischen Indien und Pakistan

Sameer Patil, Associate National Security Fellow at Gateway House, was quoted in a Luxembourgish daily, on the ongoing ceasefire violations in Kashmir along the India-Pakistan Line of Control