Narendra-Modi-Silicon-Valley-684x420 Courtesy: Twitter: Digital India Archives
19 May 2022

Digital public goods for the Indo-Pacific

With mass digitisation, India has proved that technology is not just for the educated, privileged, and wealthy. The country's open and secure digital public platforms can be significant for the Indo-Pacific, the world's most data-rich region. The Indian model is applicable because it is open-source, interoperable, auditable, and enshrines individual rights, ownership, and empowerment.

china-solomon Courtesy: Financial Times
21 April 2022

Economic and human security in the Indo-Pacific

China has established a dominant presence in the Indo-Pacific through exploitative economic engagements. This has destabilised smaller nations in the region and made them dependent on Chinese support. For a free and open Indo-Pacific, India must press its advantage in human and economic capacity building.

G20 Rome summit, marching ahead Courtesy: G20
4 November 2021

G20 Rome summit, marching ahead

The Oct 30-31 G20 Leaders’ Summit in Rome took several important steps to accelerate economic recovery and health security. In the absence of several Eurasian leaders, India played a significant role especially on climate and energy. The G20 will now acquire greater salience in India's foreign policy, as it readies to lead the grouping in 2023.

Webcast 3 - website Courtesy: Gateway House
30 April 2020

Gateway House Webcast: Scrutinising Chinese FDI in India

Amit Bhandari, Energy & Environment Fellow, Gateway House; Blaise Fernandes, President, Indian Music Industry Association; Ambika Khanna, Senior Researcher, International Law Programme, Gateway House discuss the reaction to China’s increased investment in HDFC, the depth and motive for China's investments in India, and the new FDI rules put in place by the government to protect strategic investments in the country.

00_fa_mj2020_cover Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
27 April 2020

China’s Coming Upheaval

The U.S.-China relationship, which has wavered between cooperation and competition, has, over the past few years, veered more sharply towards confrontation – possibly because of China’s own more assertive stance. Now, Beijing’s confidence is under test, not only by these fractious relations, but also COVID-19 and an economic slowdown. Will these factors reveal its weaknesses?

Cover with black border Courtesy: Gateway House
29 August 2019

Petro Dollar. Petro Yuan. Petro Rupee?

The global energy scenario has changed in every way – be it in demand, supply or energy type – in the last two decades. The only unchanged component has been the currency of energy trade: the U.S. Dollar. Lately, though, the Chinese Yuan has emerged as a challenger. Can the Indian Rupee be a third contender?

Rediffmail Courtesy: Rediffmail
6 December 2018

Modi a better CM than PM?

Academic and columnist M.D. Nalapat, in this interview with Manjeet Kripalani, speaks of how a tardy bureaucracy has brought about “a too-cautious” policy towards the U.S. and China as opposed to the former Gujarat chief minister’s greater openness in consulting people before handing over policy implementation to the bureaucracy. He also discusses the prime minister’s shrewd approach to South Asia, the dependable warmth of the Japanese and a range of other topics