00_fa_mj2020_cover Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
27 April 2020

China’s Coming Upheaval

The U.S.-China relationship, which has wavered between cooperation and competition, has, over the past few years, veered more sharply towards confrontation – possibly because of China’s own more assertive stance. Now, Beijing’s confidence is under test, not only by these fractious relations, but also COVID-19 and an economic slowdown. Will these factors reveal its weaknesses?

Rediffmail Courtesy: Rediffmail
6 December 2018

Modi a better CM than PM?

Academic and columnist M.D. Nalapat, in this interview with Manjeet Kripalani, speaks of how a tardy bureaucracy has brought about “a too-cautious” policy towards the U.S. and China as opposed to the former Gujarat chief minister’s greater openness in consulting people before handing over policy implementation to the bureaucracy. He also discusses the prime minister’s shrewd approach to South Asia, the dependable warmth of the Japanese and a range of other topics

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21 September 2017

India, Germany and Africa: the new priority

Germany and India have revealed a dual priority for Africa: creating opportunities for prosperity and promoting stability. For both, these are uncharted waters and represents a shift in the locus of global dynamism, away from an Anglo-Saxon world order to a more diverse yet potentially fissiparous one

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14 February 2017

Market based strategies for renewable energy projects

In his interview, Dr. Peter Wolff discusses the pillars and objectives of Germany's Marshall Plan for Africa and the need to integrate it into the global value chain. In the sphere of renewable energy, he argues that the most effective way of establishing a solid renewable sector is through market based strategies rather than government based ones. Although in some industries public private partnerships are the best measure, in others a more corporate lead approach is better.

GH_Demonetisation_Web-724x1024 Courtesy: Gateway House
24 November 2016

Demonetisation around the world

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement on November 8 to demonetise notes of the denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 has a precedent. This infographic traces some interesting demonetisation initiatives around the world. From discontinuation of high denomination notes due to lack of circulation, to the use of beer and water as 'real assets' in place of hyper-inflated currency.

_89083411_89083410 Courtesy: BBC
26 May 2016

International credibility in a domestic crisis

At present, South Africa finds itself charting political and economic policy uncertainties. This is not to suggest that the domestic political crisis will see different trajectories unfolding with regard to its BRICS/IBSA engagements, or on a broader foreign policy path, but it will have repercussions at the international level, in terms of investor confidence, credit ratings, and currency volatility. Pretoria will face constant pressure to be seen as a credible actor, especially when it comes to its African identity.

morsi Courtesy: Cyfraw/WikimediaCommons
2 January 2013

The chess game in Egypt

Despite heavy opposition from several factions, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s propositions for altering the constitution have been approved. Although the alterations have democratic elements, the liberals and secularists bear responsibility in taking forward Egypt’s journey to complete democracy.

green africa Courtesy: trendscout::/Flickr
4 October 2012

A Green Agenda for Africa

All the major economic forces in the world have come together in Africa in a new version of the Great Game. The competition for the continent’s resources will ultimately harm Africa unless Africa uses this opportunity to its advantage and to address its own serious problems.

stockexchange 3 Courtesy: Clipgame/Wikimedia Commons
10 September 2012

Bourse Africa: A sparkling opportunity?

This October, Bourse Africa, the first Pan-African stock exchange is set to begin its operations. Apart from integrating all the African economies and boosting their engagements with international markets, it also aims to commodify diamonds. What does this mean for the future of commerce in Africa?